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WinCache with GoDaddy

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Hello InvisionPower users!

I noticed I dont have any Caching Methods able to be selected. I currently host through GoDaddy.com and they offer WinCache as a method, however, it is grayed out for my website. Was hoping you would be able to assist in finding how to enable these options to help improve my website.  My PHPInfo page does not show wincache as a selection but GoDaddy clearly states it is enabled on the website. Was hoping if anyone know how to enable this with GoDaddy or if anyone would be able to contact me directly to help with the issues. 


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Hello :)

If you are on a shared server then i think Godaddy only will be available to enable it for you so you must ask them about it and then you will be able to select it :)

If they accept your request as on a shared hosting maybe they will not allow that...

Keep in mind that Wincache is outdated and can't even compared with solutions like Zend OPcache and Memcached....

If you really want to improve your forums performance you should move at least to a VPS and install anything you want there and have full control on them :)

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