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Random attachment (images) in posts


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Here's a cool app idea someone had for a competitor forum software (I won't mention its name): having a button, in the text editor, that adds a random attachment from the entire community or a photo or video file from the gallery to your current post. It would be called something like "Random" and it would attach an image file from the gallery folder or the attachments folder to the any new post of your choice.

What would be the purpose of this app? Fun. It would be very entertaining for forum games. The members would just upload tons of photos in the gallery and then post threads like:

"Click random to find your potential opponent in a wrestling match"

"Click random to see who your secret admirer is"

"Click random to let destiny choose your new forum friend"

The random button would have to just select a random photo that has previously been uploaded and insert it into your post, in the form of an attachment.

Could anyone make this app?

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