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Issue with my upgrade....

Izaya Orihara

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So I did a upgrade with RC3...It actually went fairly well.(Previously I only did fresh installs and worked with others who had converted their forums to it)

I can see the forum and login via ACP where it is rebuilding all the stuff(this is taking ages tbh).

Weird thing I notice....Anytime I click a link for my site on IPB4 it's simply redirect me back to my live board on 3.4.7 saying there is an error.

Example: If I click a users name, it'll just send me back to the IPb3.4.7 live version of my site.

Is this because it is still trying to rebuild everything? Or something else?

I Can see the IPB4 version...I can even login ACP but I cant actually do anything else with it presently.

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