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Can't update from 4.0 Beta 4 to Beta 5a


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I'm trying to upgrade from Beta 4 to beta 5a, but I keep getting kicked out. I get to this screen, and after a split second, it boots me back to the login screen. After logging in, I get kicked to my website's homepage (not the forums).

When I go back to the upgrade pages, i get the option to start a fresh upgrade, or continue. Same thing happens. I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing wrong. Any help is appreciated.

Thank You!



The beta is only available to customers, but you show as a Visitor (non-customer), and you aren't listed as an alternate contact for a customer.

If you're a customer of ours, please login with your customer account and post here, and we'll be glad to answer your questions.

If you are not a customer, however, please clarify how you obtained the beta.

Thank you.


The beta is only available to customers, but you show as a Visitor (non-customer), and you aren't listed as an alternate contact for a customer.

If you're a customer of ours, please login with your customer account and post here, and we'll be glad to answer your questions.

If you are not a customer, however, please clarify how you obtained the beta.

Thank you.

This is EgoDogg. I guess I was signed in with an older account I never used. Sorry for the confusion / worry!


Thank you for clarifying.

Your description of what happens leads me to believe that your server is using Mod Security (mod_sec), and it's interfering with normal operation of the software.

Please ask your Host if mod_sec is in use, and if it is, to disable it entirely for testing. That will show whether mod_sec is the cause.

If it is the cause, but your host refuses to leave it disabled, then they will have to edit the mod_sec ruleset to prevent it from interfering.



Thank you for clarifying.

Your description of what happens leads me to believe that your server is using Mod Security (mod_sec), and it's interfering with normal operation of the software.

Please ask your Host if mod_sec is in use, and if it is, to disable it entirely for testing. That will show whether mod_sec is the cause.

If it is the cause, but your host refuses to leave it disabled, then they will have to edit the mod_sec ruleset to prevent it from interfering.


I contacted my host, and they said I can disable mod_security through the .htaccess file. I asked what code I should add and they said I have to look it up on the internet, so not very helpful there.

Anyways, I found this (below) and added it to the bottom of my website's htaccess , and the /forums directory .htaccess file. It didn't make a difference.

<IfModule mod_security.c>
  SecFilterEngine Off
  SecFilterScanPOST Off



I'd go back to your host, and do a little "arm-twisting" to get them to help more than they did.

Given that they said "you can disable it by (blah blah)" that to me indicates it's present.

And it's their job to make sure the server extensions don't interfere with the normal operations of the software.

If they refuse to help or seem unable to comprehend what they need to do, then as tapir said, you may wish to shop for a new host.


Find a new host!

Thanks for your suggestion. I very well may have to do that. I've been using Fatcow the last few years.​ Any suggestions on a new host?

I'd go back to your host, and do a little "arm-twisting" to get them to help more than they did.

Given that they said "you can disable it by (blah blah)" that to me indicates it's present.

And it's their job to make sure the server extensions don't interfere with the normal operations of the software.

If they refuse to help or seem unable to comprehend what they need to do, then as tapir said, you may wish to shop for a new host.

​I contacted them again, and they are telling me it's not possible since it's on a shared hosting account, and it's enabled server-side. If i wanted to with them, it would be $20 a month for a VPS.


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