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GoDaddy and 500 errors

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Hi Everyone

I have shared hosting with GoDaddy and I plan on moving to VPS when I get a little more money, but recently I myself and some members are experiencing 500 errors on occasion. This seems to happen only when posting, the post does complete successfully but user receives the error still.

Is there anything I can do or check to help with this? I doubt its a resource issue because my server load never goes above 5.0% And on average there is 100 or so people online at any given time. Post count is only around 40k.

Thanks for any tips.

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Error 500 can be caused by you, such as poor .htaccess settings. But if it's occurring inconsistently, it's likely the server's fault.

Since you are on a shared plan, you likely have no access to any diagnosis tools or can even resolve them. My only recommendation is to stop using one of the most terrible hosting company -- even if you get shared hosting elsewhere.

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I am in the midst of moving my host after 5 yrs to a vps and I hope it is an improvement because the cost is more. I do know about the chmod issue because I will set permissions on folders and GoDaddy changes them from time-to-time. Nevermind the fact they always redirect blame on slow performance to something else.

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Just an update, I moved my site on Friday without too much issue. And the members all say they see vast improvement over responsiveness over GoDaddy. It costs a bit more than shared hosting but as long as I have less headaches it should be worth it in the end.

Since I am pretty new to actually having access to all of a server and I can actually tweak and configure all aspects of php, mysql and apache. Does anyone know of any good guides or tips that are IPS specific that will give the best security and performance. I think I have it fairly secure since I run that security check in the admin and get all green checks, so now its trying to squeeze the best performance I can. I have over 1000+ downloads and 50-60GB of files, so I want to try to eliminate any timeouts and things like that.

Thanks for any assistance, and for those that are still on GoDaddy shared hosting I would really consider moving. I used them for five years and their support was awful. My new host is great and they assist me with everything, i mean real service, I usually have my help within the hour.

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