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CDN + Minify/JS - Driving me Crazy

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In the settings and on the IPS community forums, it says you can't have a CDN + Javascript running. And I've seen it mentioned a number of times on the forum here.

But community.invisionpower.com does and they serve them from netdna: http://tools.pingdom...visionpower.com

So how do you properly serve the minified javascript from cdn? I would like to serve it from my MaxCDN/NetDNA/

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it says you have to turn off minify, not that you cannot have a cdn and javascript running.
I just use the public url for maxcdn pull zone (well its off tonight for troubleshooting reasons, unrelated) and have minify turned off, works fine.
mod_deflate on server works this way.

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it says you have to turn off minify, not that you cannot have a cdn and javascript running.

I just use the public url for maxcdn pull zone (well its off tonight for troubleshooting reasons, unrelated) and have minify turned off, works fine.

mod_deflate on server works this way.

Oops I mean't to say Minified javascript. But if you look at the urls community.invisionpower.com serves they are all minified for js/css and served from NetDNA/MaxCDN




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I think the real answer is that you'll have to try it with your CDN and see if it works. Every CDN is going to work slightly differently. I can tell you that I use Amazon's CloudFront and don't seem to have a problem with having this optimization on; that wasn't always the case, if I remember correctly, but at some point they started sending back the GET parameters.


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I think the real answer is that you'll have to try it with your CDN and see if it works. Every CDN is going to work slightly differently. I can tell you that I use Amazon's CloudFront and don't seem to have a problem with having this optimization on; that wasn't always the case, if I remember correctly, but at some point they started sending back the GET parameters.


Interesting, well your post cause me to re-evauluate my choice in MaxCDN. CloudFront has way more edge locations(across the world), and your right it works perfectly with minified javascript. I think I'm actually going to switch over to cloudfront as my primary CDN.

Thanks Sam :lol:
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for the most part it works with it on for me, one spot on 2 skins that has issues, but I saw no differences in speed/tests with it off or on.
I had tons of issues with cloudflare, YMMV of course.
incapsula worked better for me, maxcdn worked even better with pull zones. no need for me to go bigger then that yet.

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Yeah Cloudflare if not setup right will cause alot of issues with ipbaords javascript. But it doesnt an excellent job at getting our main html file across the world pretty fast. We especially noticed issues with the website preloader it makes load times hang really bad (7+ seconds)

What do you run for a TTL on amazon?

I have the /public/ set for 1 day (86400)
and /uploads/ for 1 week (604800)

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