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Do they normally take 4 days?

Having issues upgrading to 3.3.1. The main issue is being deployed and having unreliable internet and rare access to civilian internet that I can use FTP on. Uploading a 25mb file would be an all day affair.

Disappointed with the support here.


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They don't do support on the weekends. Additionally if you are requesting an upgrade or installation then they will take a maximum of five days. Furthermore, it seems like they're short on support staff right now seeing as they're looking to hire more people.

Generally speaking though they should get back to you within 48 hours (not including weekends). If they haven't said anything yet then it's either an install/upgrade request or they really are very short on staff right now.

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Do they normally take 4 days?

Having issues upgrading to 3.3.1. The main issue is being deployed and having unreliable internet and rare access to civilian internet that I can use FTP on. Uploading a 25mb file would be an all day affair.

Disappointed with the support here.


For your first question;
At the norm No, usually the same or next day. But as Rimi explained they are off on weekends and holidays with a skeleton crew for those in dire critical need.

For the second issue;
If your internet connection or hosting is that slow there is nothing the staff can really do about that. This is something that will need to be addressed with your host and or internet provider support people.

For the third;
Don't be disappointed with the support team, they are only people too and doing their best which is more than most other support teams I have dealt with...
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