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Download: Enkidu Slide and Bounce Login Box


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File Name: Enkidu Slide and Bounce Login Box
File Submitter: Enkidu
File Submitted: 01 Sep 2011
File Category: IP.Content Blocks

A login box for you to use in your IP.Content pages/template without IPB wrapper. The box uses a slide and bounce animation effect much like the one you see implemented in XenForo.
The code was inspired/based on the sliding login panel by Jeremie Tisseau

Click here to download this file

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  • 3 months later...

this is a test page I am trying to get this working on and then update my homepage... i am using Internet Explorer and the login test is pushed toward the left side overtop of the links... also when i open it to login in there is not register button for new users...thanx for any help...
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try the following, inside the block, find:

.tab ul.login {

display: block;

position: relative;

   float: right;

   clear: right;

   height: 42px;

width: auto;

   font-weight: bold;

line-height: 42px;

margin: 0;

right: 150px;

   color: white;

   font-size: 80%;

text-align: center;


remove the line: right: 150px; find

.tab ul.login li {

  text-align: left;

   padding: 0 6px;

display: block;

float: left;

height: 42px;


change float: left; to float: right; change text-align: left; to text-align: right; find

) no-repeat left 0;} .tab a.close {background: url( ) no-repeat left 0;}

.tab a.open {background: url(		

change the two occurrences of left to right find

.tab a.open, .tab a.close {

height: 20px;

line-height: 20px !important;

padding-left: 30px !important;

cursor: pointer;

display: block;

position: relative;

top: 11px;


change padding-left: 30px !important; to padding-right: 30px !important;

that should do it :)

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

the block is corrupted. The css for the close/open icons read:

.tab a.open {background: url(<script type='text/javascript'>  var weLoaded = false;


  if( typeof(_ccsLoadedAssets) == 'undefined' || !_ccsLoadedAssets )


   if( !window.jQuery )


    document.write("<"+"script type='text/javascript' src='https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.min.js'></"+"script>");

    weLoaded = true;





where did that JavaScript come from? it shouldn't be there.

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