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Version 3.2 - a Media/asset-manager that is far easier to use


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Hello everyone,

for the next major version I would appreciate a media/asset-manager that makes it easy to reuse already uploaded content, such as .pdfs, images or even videos.

When clicking to attach files there should be a popup where you can choose to either upload a new file or reuse one of those you've already uploaded a while ago.
There is no need to re-upload the same images all over again and therefore dump space.

I know that there is this: http://community.invisionpower.com/index.php?app=core&module=usercp&tab=core&area=attachments already, but it should be more accessible and easier to use.

I've yet to find out how to reuse content in IPB without uploading it again.


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I strongly agree with this.

I ordered IP.Content and the entire community suite a couple weeks back, but I'm finding the lack of a media manager for uploading images is causing grief amongst me and my site editors.

I built a custom image database within IP.Content, but it's very kludgy. A step backwards from what we used to have.

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