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Disable media code ?


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Currently I have tried to stop Youtube videos from parsing in ip.shoutbox only, I went through all of the settings, stopped the bbcode from working in the shoutbox but the tags are still attached on the url and does not show as a click able link.

Im not sure if this is a ip shoutbox flaw or a ipb flaw, here is a topic I posted in ip shoutbox, the only other option i can think of is to stop automatic parsing of video's but that would happen right across the site.

Shoutbox Youtube videos

I think the issue is when you disable the media bbcode in the shoutbox it doesn't stop the it detecting it as a youtube video and adding the tags, it just stops the tags from working. If I disable it, it should recognize it as a link.


Wouldn't posting the link without using the media tag just post the URL?

no because ipb 3.1 parses it automatically so it detects it's from youtube and adds the media tags.

I think ideally, it there should be a setting optional for apps (like "(appdirname)__mediaAutoParse" for example) that someone can add and that way when it's being parsed, if the setting is set to '1' then it would parse it. That way it's assumed to not parse unless it's added to parse.

Then when it's being parsed, it would only need to look at the app's dirname, add the __mediaAutoParse to it and it has the setting name to check for. Of course, another method would be to let the parsing routing know that the media tags are disabled for that parsing.


I think ideally, it there should be a setting optional for apps (like "(appdirname)__mediaAutoParse" for example) that someone can add and that way when it's being parsed, if the setting is set to '1' then it would parse it. That way it's assumed to not parse unless it's added to parse.

Then when it's being parsed, it would only need to look at the app's dirname, add the __mediaAutoParse to it and it has the setting name to check for. Of course, another method would be to let the parsing routing know that the media tags are disabled for that parsing.

This is sooooo overkill, when an admin can already use a multiselect in the ACP to determine where he wants the bbcode to be allowed.

@others - I'd consider this a bug personally.


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