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Requested IP.Content install on hosted IPB since Thursday


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Requested IP.Content install on hosted IPB since Thursday...

How long does it usually take for IP to respond to client tickets and to install an already paid for IP.Content to our existing IP.Board?

Will installing IP.Content affect any of the current IP.Board data/changes I've made? I asked this also in a second ticket today but stll waiting for response after 4 hours.

The software is awesome, but with these type response times is it better to host on my own?

Also, can I install on my own since I have FTP access?



My guess is they have a lot of upgrades to do since the recent 3.1 upgrade.

Personally I would install it myself. Just a matter of uploading the files via ftp and running the installer. 15 minute job at most. However if you're not confident at what you're doing it's best left to the experts. Installing IP Content won't upset your current database however it will add some new table to it.




I do apologize for the delay in receiving your IP.Content installation. We have had a large number of support tickets to answer since the release of 3.1.0 and 3.1.1, in addition to upgrade/install requests. The volume is starting to come down a lot, so support response times should be quicker. It's also important to note that although we do have technical support staff available on the weekends, not many installs/upgrades are completed on the weekend; most are left for business hours during the week.

I have looked up your ticket #665418, on Thursday night you requested requested information on how to add IP.Content to your hosting package. Friday an invoice was generated for you, and you stated that you paid it at 9PM Friday night - at which point the ticket was still in our billing department. You asked if it had been installed Sunday night, and our billing department moved your ticket to our installs and upgrades department Monday morning. This morning, we are just waiting for you to reply with an admin account to install IP.Content. However, I went ahead and manually created an admin account using a script and completed your install.

Please let us know if you need further assistance.


Thanks! Thats understandable. I can see why everyone would want to upgrade to the newest IPB version. I'm coming from vB 4.0.3 (bugs R US) and the peace of mine, interface and original (not cloned features) of IPB are awesome! I think bugs are most likely when you try to clone other people's work, which I feel is what vB is doing a lot of now with IP's features.

As per IP.Content. I have one issue. The design looks completely different from my IP.Board changes. How can I fix/sync the design of IPC to match IPB?

Thanks again!


I'm coming from vB 4.0.3 (bugs R US)


As per IP.Content. I have one issue. The design looks completely different from my IP.Board changes. How can I fix/sync the design of IPC to match IPB?

Use the Board Wrapper.

Ask in the IP.Content support forum, you'll get better assistance in there. :)


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