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IP.Board Missing Permission Feature


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Selective permissions cannot be created, especially on subscription based forums. I have a forum where it's subscription based so every month each member gets demoted to Validating until they buy new subscription. Of these members, 1 of them is not allowed to post in Forum X but is allowed to view the posts in Forum X.

This cannot be done however, without over-riding the user's permissions. This is not a proper solution for the member then gains indefinite access to the forum after subscription expires.

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2 groups cannot be used. When a user registers and buys subscription, they are placed in the Paid Members group. There is no free section on the forum. Of those Paid Members, 1 of them is not allowed to post in Forum Category X. That member's permissions cannot be overridden because it would eliminate the Paid Members' Group permissions for the special forum permission mask. That means that specific user will have indefinite access to the forum, which results in free membership.

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Of course what you said would work in a free forum and if the admin(s) is willing to manually modify each member into 2 different groups. This issue hasn't been addressed for forums that are private, globally, requiring paid subscription for access. I wonder how much of IPS' consumers use the subscription manager.

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Well the subscription manager is now a community project and so this suggestion would be best to put in the Subscriptions Manager forum.

As for it only being one member? I don't think I fully comprehend the problem. If it is one user out of hundreds then what is so difficult?

You can have a default group and then a secondary group that is what the subscription manager upgrades. So the secondary group is what actually gives the permissions. At least, from what I remember from messing with it you can do this.

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This is not an issue with the subscription manager. It is an issue with IP.Board's permission matrix qualifications per user.

I don't think I fully comprehend the problem. If it is one user out of hundreds then what is so difficult?

You can have a default group and then a secondary group that is what the subscription manager upgrades. So the secondary group is what actually gives the permissions. At least, from what I remember from messing with it you can do this.

The secondary group will not over-ride the primary group in denial of permissions. If the Primary group allows you to post in Forum X, while Secondary group does not, you will still have permission to post in Forum X.
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Well yes. Which makes sense. It gives you the access that you are provided in the permissions. It truly makes more sense to give the fewer allowances for the primary group and give the extra accesses via the secondary group. It just sort of makes sense. That, or if it's just one user, to put them in a group that provides them with the proper restrictions without the need of a secondary group.

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Well this is what I understand from your explanation:
People pay for a subscription.
When coverage lapses it puts them back in the validating group to force them to renew.
They Renew they are put into the correct group.
You have one member that is not allowed posting access to one forum but is allowed to read it. This is the member you're concerned about but you're not able to force permissions via secondary group.

This would be because there is no DENY permission but I really prefer that because Deny is a very tricky permission altogether. If you are having this problem with only one member then I don't understand what the big problem is. One member is better then fifty.

From what I understand is that you prefer to have a secondary group override permissions but that's not how permissions work, they add permissions via secondary group. The only thing that overrides permissions is the setting to override the permissions in the Member ACP.

Thanks for that Brandon! ^_^

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Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounds like he wants something alot like what the IPS Community uses?

It just seems like he wants to be able to deny a single member access to one forum but still allow them to be able to view/post to the others and use the subscriptions manager for this.
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