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New Hook Type - Pre-Execution

Mat Barrie

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It'd be really awesome if we could get a hook type which is able to execute prior to any other operation - basically once the registry init is done, pass over control to any pre-execution hooks (even before ipsController::run), then carry on as if nothing happened. This would enable developers to build support for legacy applications, without index.php edits.

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It's probably not realistic to do hooks before ipsController::run() is called, since the database isn't setup at that point, we wouldn't be able to find out what hooks exist at that point. We could add a post ipsRegistry::init() hook though, that would at least throw a hook point really early in the execution, before any specific page controller is loaded.

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That'd be really handy. Hopefully it would also allow us to intercept requests for applications which aren't installed (i.e. is called before ipsController goes and redirects to the board index) as most of the reason you'd want a hook like this is to either build interoperability with other applications by intercepting requests for them (when they aren't there) or to support v1.3 URLs.

Is this something that could be considered for a future release? I'd imagine not 3.1, but sometime not far away?

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That'd be really handy. Hopefully it would also allow us to intercept requests for applications which aren't installed (i.e. is called before ipsController goes and redirects to the board index) as most of the reason you'd want a hook like this is to either build interoperability with other applications by intercepting requests for them (when they aren't there) or to support v1.3 URLs.

You mean v2.x URL's right? (Arcade)

Something like this could definitely open the door for having pEH (preExecHooks) made to either do an internal rewrite of the URL (for compatibility, such as Arcade scores), including code to further reduce edits (as you mentioned) or to even take a course of action on events that would just lead to the main index (due to an error), such as a customized error page and even logging the event and notifying the admin if it happens too often.
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That'd be really handy. Hopefully it would also allow us to intercept requests for applications which aren't installed (i.e. is called before ipsController goes and redirects to the board index) as most of the reason you'd want a hook like this is to either build interoperability with other applications by intercepting requests for them (when they aren't there) or to support v1.3 URLs.

Is this something that could be considered for a future release? I'd imagine not 3.1, but sometime not far away?

Yeah, will probably not be in 3.1, but we'll try to add something like it soonish.
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  • 1 month later...

Another possibility for implementation of this would be to allow coreVariables files to "subscribe" to execute for requests not intended for their associated application probably at the same time as the CORE coreVariables.php gets executed.

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