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For Rikki... Skinning Suggestions


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Kum bay ya, my Lord, kum bay ya ....

On a serious note, it might be a bit much to get a lot of heavy skin related changes into 3.1, but you can see from our blog entries we've been developing at a pretty rapid pace, and there's always going to be a 3.1.1 or a 3.2 at some point. :)

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I have the default avatar working on my site by just making a new blank_avatar. gif and overwriting the little tiny 1x1px .gif that is in the "style_avatars" folder, but the problem is, it's standard for all skins now and I really want to see it set up for a "per skin" basis so we can make them to match the rest of the skin.

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Kum bay ya, my Lord, kum bay ya ....

On a serious note, it might be a bit much to get a lot of heavy skin related changes into 3.1, but you can see from our blog entries we've been developing at a pretty rapid pace, and there's always going to be a 3.1.1 or a 3.2 at some point. :)

This gets back to a more corporate philosphy issue that a number of us are saying we are uneasy with ... what we were saying about the pace of upgrades that you guys [IPS] are undertaking... would it not be worth looking at the concept of slowing the release schedule somewhat, and actually making these changes that may not add sexy new features.. but that DO enormously add to the usability of the software, not just for us skinners, but for anyone who wants to customize their own community (most do either via a pre-made skin, or by making it themselves).

I know you probably follow some kind of AGILE methodology for development and that this is not scheduled into the next iteration.... but please can it be put on the agenda to be scheduled in sooner rather than later.
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Try adding this at the top of the userInfoPane template for a per-skin default avatar:

<php>$author['avatar'] = str_replace( "style_avatars", "style_images%2F".$this->registry->output->skin['set_image_dir'], $author['avatar'] );</php>

That should now change the Gravatar fallback URL to be pointing to the style_images/IMG_DIR/ directory instead of the style_avatars directory.

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That's probably something with gravatar then. I know it passes a parameter that gives a fallback image when the user has no gravatar image. Let me see if I can come up with anything for this.

Might be overkill. admin/sources/base/core.php. How about this?

		else if( ipsRegistry::$settings['allow_gravatars'] )


			/* Try a gravatar, if all else fails */

			$av_hash  = md5( $member['email'] );

			$s        = $lowestSize ? "&amp;s={$lowestSize}" : '';

			if( fopen( ipsRegistry::$settings['img_url'] . '/no_avatar.png', 'r' ) )


				$blank_av = urlencode( ipsRegistry::$settings['img_url'] . '/no_avatar.png' ); 




				$blank_av = urlencode( ipsRegistry::$settings['avatars_url'] . '/blank_avatar.gif' ); 


			return "<img src='http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/{$av_hash}?d={$blank_av}{$s}' alt='' />";


I *think*, that'd check for an avatar at no_avatar.png in the skin folder, if it doesn't exist, passes to blank_avatar.gif. Alternatively, you could just change the $blank_av var totally:

		else if( ipsRegistry::$settings['allow_gravatars'] )


			/* Try a gravatar, if all else fails */

			$av_hash  = md5( $member['email'] );

			$s        = $lowestSize ? "&amp;s={$lowestSize}" : '';

			$blank_av = urlencode( ipsRegistry::$settings['img_url'] . '/no_avatar.png' ); 

			return "<img src='http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/{$av_hash}?d={$blank_av}{$s}' alt='' />";


Then include the blank_avatar.gif (maybe make it a png so it's more open) in the skin image folder in 3.1?

I need a drink.

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Okay, I'll give that a try. Now, is there some way to make is so it's not a .gif but instead, a .png? I reallllly hate .gif's. They suck only having 256 colors. :(

<php>$author['avatar'] = str_replace( "style_avatars", "style_images%2F".$this->registry->output->skin['set_image_dir'], str_replace( '.gif', '.png', $author['avatar'] ) );</php>

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I didn't mean to get your topic fire back on you, I really didn't. You're the most talented artist/skinner I've ever seen and I just don't want for this talent to get handed on a gold plate to other forum software that we all know ;)

Thank you. (you made me smile, and i needed that.) I'm doing my best to stick with it here. I don't want to go to another software, I really don't. I'm just hoping for some kind of compromise that would help accomplish the things Rikki is aiming for as well as what us skinners are aiming for.
It really is okay, Enkidu, I'm not upset at all. Just a little embarrassed. I guess, if I had used a little more respect in what I was saying, I wouldn't have anything to be embarrassed about in the first place. :wub:

I've just noticed that I have no sense of satisfaction when I'm done creating a skin because, in all actuality, I don't feel like I've created anything. It's more like just a bunch of edits to something Rikki has already done. I want to be able to "Skin" and not just make a bunch of css edits, and generic ones at that. And my biggest problem is, my lack of ability to do all the cool stuff with new and fun elements in the skin is reflecting on my ability to choose a proper color scheme for my skins. LOL Seriously, have you seen some of the crazy color schemes I've had for 3.0? This is all due to trying to compensate for lack of "goodies" in the skins I guess. LOL :lol:
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<php>$author['avatar'] = str_replace( "style_avatars", "style_images%2F".$this->registry->output->skin['set_image_dir'], str_replace( '.gif', '.png', $author['avatar'] ) );</php>

Awesome! Thank you! (fingers & toes crossed!) I'm goin' in to give it a try now....
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Michael's work. ;)


Anyway, I've just thought of something else that could come in handy for skinners.

.post_controls (and a few other classes) all have padding to make them... work. If overflow:auto is added to them, and then padding adjusted, they work a whole lot better since you can change the button sizes without having to worry about them looking in the 'wrong' place

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You just reminded me of another issue I'm not handling too well with 3.0...

I really hate that we don't have the freedom to make our own buttons for things now. Instead, it's text from the language files inserted in to a background broken down in to 2 images. That takes away a lot of freedom there too. I know it was meant to save us time in not having to make all those buttons, but it was just something that was kinda nice to have the freedom to do. I highly doubt that will change back though, but I thought I would get it out there.

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You just reminded me of another issue I'm not handling too well with 3.0...

I really hate that we don't have the freedom to make our own buttons for things now. Instead, it's text from the language files inserted in to a background broken down in to 2 images. That takes away a lot of freedom there too. I know it was meant to save us time in not having to make all those buttons, but it was just something that was kinda nice to have the freedom to do. I highly doubt that will change back though, but I thought I would get it out there.

I do agree how ever I think that was changed to make it so ipb can be converted for any language or at least make it easier to do so.
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Yeah, you're right. In fact, I remember Rikki mentioning something like that back when the RC's were being released. It is pretty smart to do. I just miss the old days a little too much I guess. There is just so much that has caused me to lose the "spark", that feeling of being a true artist. I feel caged. That's it... Rikki locked us in a cage and he's bogartin' the key! LOL :lol:

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Yeah, same here. I always dreaded getting to that part in the skin, I just miss the freedom to make the buttons any way I wanted. I have to say though, I do like the quickness of how it's done now, and the fact that each time a new mod or application is released, we don't have to go in and make new buttons for it.

One thing I reallly like is the fact that we can do pretty much anything we want with the topic view. THAT alone was a big plus for me on 3.0. Now if I could just find the extra time to expand my horizons a bit and change it up the way I want.>_<

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Lewis or Michael....

The no_avatar issue again... seems like whilst that code works brilliantly if the member has no avatar.. if they do have one it no longer shows >_<

Here is what I have...

<php>$author['avatar'] = str_replace( "style_avatars", "style_images%2F".$this->registry->output->skin['set_image_dir'], str_replace( '.gif', '.png', $author['avatar'] ) );</php>

<ul class='user_details'>

		<if test="avatar:|:$author['member_id'] AND $author['avatar']">

			<li class='avatar'><a href="{parse url="showuser={$author['member_id']}" template="showuser" seotitle="{$author['members_seo_name']}" base="public"}" title="{$this->lang->words['view_profile']}">{$author['avatar']}</a></li>

		<else />

			<li class='avatar'>{$author['avatar']}</li>


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