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Suggestions for 3.1.0


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Here are just a few suggestions to consider that would be beneficial.

1. Report Center
Suggestion: Add a 'Take Action' button on each report so it's easier to lock threads, delete posts, and warn members. I always have to click the report, then click the thread title, find the offending post, add warning to the member's status, then delete the post. If a button is added next to 'current status' that would bring a drop-down menu with these options, it would save a lot of time.

Here's a poorly made example on microsoft paint.

2. Registration
Suggestion: Add an optional 'referral' field where members can select if anyone referred them. Keep track of the number of referrals in a person's profile. A lot more people refer members when they know it counts, and it would be beneficial to almost all forums running IPB. You should be able to enable/disable this.

3. Navigation & Sidebar
Suggestion: Allow tabs to be added on the navigation menu, and new blocks to be added on the sidebar. I know there are already hooks for these, but it's a big part of IPB and there should be an official way to change it without having to get third party hooks/applications.

4. Avatars & User titles
Suggestion: Have an option to set a 'default' avatar for all members who do not upload one. Furthermore, just like profile images, allow different groups to have a different avatar size limit, and allow different groups to have a user title. Why is there only an option to allow members of certain post counts to edit their user titles? It would make a lot more sense, and would be a lot more flexible if the board owner could select different settings for each user group instead.

I'll add more in the future. Please post your opinions about the suggestions.

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Would be good to have an optional walk-through for new members. For example, when they have signed up it would be good to have a next step which they may skip to upload an avatar and profile picture, then next step could be to fill in profile data.

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It would be good to have a latest posts sidebar hook which worked with ajax perhaps ?

Although that's more a mod request for

What about quick links to edit your avatar and sig, maybe a dropdown next to the bit with calander, members and forum ?

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automatic deletion if member email is bounced back. Like if they dropped the email or changed it.. IPB just either changes the email to no or nukes them Muhahahaha...

Leak prozac onto keyboard of selected members ? possible ?

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Would be good to have an optional walk-through for new members. For example, when they have signed up it would be good to have a next step which they may skip to upload an avatar and profile picture, then next step could be to fill in profile data.

That would be handy yes :) This will help new users that are unknown with IP.Board

A feature for Group Moderators/owners/managers that can invite members to they're group. A joinable group feature is welcome to
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Suggestion: Allow tabs to be added on the navigation menu, and new blocks to be added on the sidebar. I know there are already hooks for these, but it's a big part of IPB and there should be an official way to change it without having to get third party hooks/applications.

I really would like to see this option. It would be nice to throw in a extra tab that leads to my main wegbsite back from the forums.
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