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Download: iArcade System 1.0.0 Final

Andy Rixon

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This RC isnt really for a live board? Oooops!! (w00t)

No, it can be run on a live forum - that is the idea of a RC as opposed to a beta.

However a RC will often contain some minor bugs - by opening a RC up, these get caught and fixed before the final version is released.

You must though be prepared to lose all settings when the next version is released.
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As I said.. if you are not good with the technology.. not for public installs :P

This is pre-final software, and may not be stable.

Although every effort has been taken to ensure stable code, this is the first public release of the code, and therefor it may have issues that were not forseen.

Although we feel comfortable with public installs, please remember to take a backup before you proceed!

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Just want to say Thanks to Colin and Andy for this Mod.

Reading through some of this thread and looking at people complaining about lack of responses.. Gotta remember.. It's two guys, it's also a RC not an "RTM" or "Final" product. And factoring in everyone's server is configured slightly different, it isn't always going to be a quick fix and they did their best to get all the features they could in and provide a preview to the community who's been asking for this.

Unless your very good with databases or php and the processes behind it.. Don't install it on your live board, simple as that.. Get it running on a test board and most importantly FOLLOW the directions they've got online (although I do agree :P Dump it in an HTML File)

You can't shoot someone else for a mistake, when the gun's pointed at your own face after all..

I agree, I think it has been a monumental effort on the part of Andy and Collin under the stresses they have in private life with Andy becoming a father any moment.

I will keep mine on practice site for a while longer. I really appreciate the effort they have made as no one else has really anything for an IPB3 Arcade that is free. Thanks, and I will be donating as soon as possible. Right now all I can do is try to help out here.

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Just want to say Thanks to Colin and Andy for this Mod.

Reading through some of this thread and looking at people complaining about lack of responses.. Gotta remember.. It's two guys, it's also a RC not an "RTM" or "Final" product. And factoring in everyone's server is configured slightly different, it isn't always going to be a quick fix and they did their best to get all the features they could in and provide a preview to the community who's been asking for this.

Unless your very good with databases or php and the processes behind it.. Don't install it on your live board, simple as that.. Get it running on a test board and most importantly FOLLOW the directions they've got online (although I do agree :P Dump it in an HTML File)

You can't shoot someone else for a mistake, when the gun's pointed at your own face after all..

I do not disagree with you at all.

My issue was not with the app as this seems great - but pretty much with the games and still with the categories (as having manually added them, I still can't figure out how to make them show LOL)

This is a fast moving topic today and I am sure it is a relief for the guys to get it out in the wild :)
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Just want to say Thanks to Colin and Andy for this Mod.

Reading through some of this thread and looking at people complaining about lack of responses.. Gotta remember.. It's two guys, it's also a RC not an "RTM" or "Final" product. And factoring in everyone's server is configured slightly different, it isn't always going to be a quick fix and they did their best to get all the features they could in and provide a preview to the community who's been asking for this.

Unless your very good with databases or php and the processes behind it.. Don't install it on your live board, simple as that.. Get it running on a test board and most importantly FOLLOW the directions they've got online (although I do agree :P Dump it in an HTML File)

You can't shoot someone else for a mistake, when the gun's pointed at your own face after all..

very well said, im getting very p'd off with a lot of comments, and i didnt spend the last month coding it, and gerry give up, the RC aint for you right now, might be better to restore your 2.3.6 backup
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I will tomorrow add the bits I have found so far on the other site, but one other item

The high score details is showing the login name rather than the display name.

The best score in 13 is a Winner of 221 was set by admin

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I think i see where the problem is now, when i hit the download button, the save box says its a .tar file, but when i upload it to the arcade it says .swf. How is that?

I may be misunderstanding what your saying, but it should start as a .tar file and you use the import box to select it and import it. It unpacks it and you will find it in your folders on your site as a .swf Does that help you?
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I may be misunderstanding what your saying, but it should start as a .tar file and you use the import box to select it and import it. It unpacks it and you will find it in your folders on your site as a .swf Does that help you?

Yup, thats what i see, its in my arcade as a .swf file, and all i see is a black box. I did download it as a .tar file, then in my arcade it says its a .swf file, but why doesnt it play? I also dont see a tiny picture game button. Ok i have enabled guests to be able to see the game so that u can see what im talking about.
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Yup, thats what i see, its in my arcade as a .swf file, and all i see is a black box. I did download it as a .tar file, then in my arcade it says its a .swf file, but why doesnt it play? I also dont see a tiny picture game button. Ok i have enabled guests to be able to see the game so that u can see what im talking about.

  • In your ACP go to My Apps,
  • Click on the iArcadeunder
  • Under General Settings Click on "settings"
  • Towards the bottom of that page you will find two boxes "Games Path" and "Web location"
  • You will need to check those boxes and change the defaults to point to your items it looks for.

This is what I have set in mine, but yours will be different where you see my "castleke" Hope that works for you.


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Just registered and donated, thanks very much for this arcade. Also, thanks to those above who have posted links to sites with game downloads. Now... off to install and hope I don't run into problems... if I do, I'll be nicer than some have been about them.... :whistle:

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very well said, im getting very p'd off with a lot of comments, and i didnt spend the last month coding it, and gerry give up, the RC aint for you right now, might be better to restore your 2.3.6 backup

What you on about, all I am asking for is some sort of bloody instruction to install this mod, as I made a hefty donation towards it, the least I can get is at least a little help to get it going. Collin asked me to send my details via PM several hours ago and has not replied since, or been on the forum, or even looked at it. Also Collin told me this was for a working board and it was for testing as such but be prepared to delete the files as there will be no uprade available. So please don't you tell me to give up when I was told this would be ready to use, look back at the threads again where Collin clearly said it was able to go on a live board when I asked the specific question. I donated towards getting this off the ground hoping for a good mod for everyone, all we have is a bunch of files, no instructions and no help when you ask for it, so yes if I had known then what I know now, I should have waited to donate.

You can't even delete a game and that was reported on the 4th Feb while in beta, clearly it was not ready for release

So please don't stand and take the moral high ground.
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You guys need to just chill out about us "not replying" - I was at the doctor for the last 4 hours, and Andy is expecting his newborn daughter to be born hours from now. We cannot drop everything to help out.
In the time it took me to read the last 2 pages and write replies, 6 new posts were made! :o

If I "missed you" just post again and I will reply right away. The bug tracker is also a great way to get support.

Where the hell has the installation file gone, there is a donate link, done that @

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Windwalker i cant seem to get the correct games path, i dont know what to replace your "castleke" with. This is the default path Example: /home/USER/public_html/FORUMPATH/admin/applications_addon/other/iArcade/games/all. What do i replace USER and FORUMPATH WITH?

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What you on about, all I am asking for is some sort of bloody instruction to install this mod, as I made a hefty donation towards it, the least I can get is at least a little help to get it going. Collin asked me to send my details via PM several hours ago and has not replied since, or been on the forum, or even looked at it. Also Collin told me this was for a working board and it was for testing as such but be prepared to delete the files as there will be no uprade available. So please don't you tell me to give up when I was told this would be ready to use, look back at the threads again where Collin clearly said it was able to go on a live board when I asked the specific question. I donated towards getting this off the ground hoping for a good mod for everyone, all we have is a bunch of files, no instructions and no help when you ask for it, so yes if I had known then what I know now, I should have waited to donate.

You can't even delete a game and that was reported on the 4th Feb while in beta, clearly it was not ready for release

So please don't stand and take the moral high ground.

Hi Gerry,
I don't know if this will help you or not but willing to give it a go. This is how I did mine. I just did a straight install not worrying about putting the games outside the admin directory at this time.

  • I uninstalled the beta 5 using the uninstaller in the ACP
  • Ftp'd to the site and Erased everything from the old install (folders and files installed before)
  • Uploaded the new files telling it to overwrite any I might have missed uninstalling.
  • Ran the installer from the ACP and told it to replace any tables that existed (forgot exact wording).
  • Made the file edit in the "index" file. This file is the one located in the "forums" folder, or wherever you installed your forum. It may still be there from the beta version you installed.
  • Next check your "paths". If this is a straight install and not trying to put the games folder somewhere else, then fill in the two path boxes like the example below substituting your account name where you see mine (castleke)

Path Boxes example:



I hope this helps some.
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Good job Collin and thanks for the replies, I have managed to get everything working except the save scores if you could please assist with that.

PS I didnt know you went to the Gnasher Doctor sorry mate :)

Thank you Windwalker222 I did follow your post when you showed it earlier and it was a vast help, everything is working now but the scores thanks.

Just been told I have a unique problem, so there we go, I knew I was not thick.

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lucky for me installing on a test board i have checked the file paths now and think i have them right but still get this error if anyone can see where i am going wrong please :(

Warning: fopen(/home125b/sub039/sc71557-OLHN/freefilesforum.com/test/admin/applications_addon/other/iArcade/sources/tars/ +o{ӎ}.&K(ZErO{?x8y̾>Z) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Is a directory in /home125b/sub039/sc71557-OLHN/freefilesforum.com/test/admin/applications_addon/other/iArcade/modules_admin/games/import.php on line 234

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Windwalker i cant seem to get the correct games path, i dont know what to replace your "castleke" with. This is the default path Example: /home/USER/public_html/FORUMPATH/admin/applications_addon/other/iArcade/games/all. What do i replace USER and FORUMPATH WITH?

Thats the default path for cPanel.
It should be your web root path.
(This is my issue with documentation folks: I cannot figure how how to explain these settings)

Good job Collin and thanks for the replies, I have managed to get everything working except the save scores if you could please assist with that.

PS I didnt know you went to the Gnasher Doctor sorry mate :)

Thank you Windwalker222 I did follow your post when you showed it earlier and it was a vast help, everything is working now but the scores thanks.

Just been told I have a unique problem, so there we go, I knew I was not thick.

Windwalker, thank you very very much for your helping out.

Gerry, I checked your index.php edit and your database settings, since that always fixes it. It diddnt. I have like 20 emails and PMs to respond to, so after I get those sorted I will open up your files and take a look. We can get it fixed. :thumbsup:

lucky for me installing on a test board i have checked the file paths now and think i have them right but still get this error if anyone can see where i am going wrong please :(

Warning: fopen(/home125b/sub039/sc71557-OLHN/freefilesforum.com/test/admin/applications_addon/other/iArcade/sources/tars/ +o{ӎ}.&K(ZErO{?x8y̾>Z) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Is a directory in /home125b/sub039/sc71557-OLHN/freefilesforum.com/test/admin/applications_addon/other/iArcade/modules_admin/games/import.php on line 234

Thats waaaaayyyy messed up. O_O
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Gerry, I checked your index.php edit and your database settings, since that always fixes it. It diddnt. I have like 20 emails and PMs to respond to, so after I get those sorted I will open up your files and take a look. We can get it fixed. :thumbsup:

Thank you very much Collin, leave it with you mate, better you than me :D
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