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What's up with the massive load times here?

Mat Barrie

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Mine is usually less than a second. Both here and on my own IPB 3 forums. That could be for any number of reasons. We do know that the forums and site are getting hammered by VB defectors at the moment. Maybe you got on at a bad time. Because it's NEVER been that bad for me. Ever.

Could also be a connection/server somewhere from your location and the IPB servers that is having an issue. But outside of what I have already stated above, it's ran smooth for me. Could have been bad timing on your part, or something else along the way. And yes that's possible even if other sites loaded fine. I've had experiences where my members could access my site fine, but I couldn't. Even though every site I visited worked fine and mine didn't.

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[quote name='broni' date='21 October 2009 - 12:40 AM' timestamp='1256107228' post='1869580']
This site is often slow.

See that's the thing. Why would it be slow for you and a few others, but others on at the same time it's now slow for? Logic is getting thrown out the window. It doesn't pick and choose who it's slow for.

I know from my experiences with my own site, many times some sites will work fast and good, and other's won't. Even if there is no problem with your net connection and no problem on their end. There could be something along the way slowing it down. It's not like when you type in the url you are getting a direct line to the IPS servers. It's bouncing across at least several different servers and companies before you even reach IPS's servers. I've found this out through my own experiences. On my own site I had times where it seemed to run real slow or I couldn't access it even though I have a broadband speed that exceeds 10MB second and even though other sites seemed to work fine. My members at that moment would verify it was working fine and fast for them. Just not for me. Why would it be fine for them and not me? Come to find out it was something between me and the server causing the problem. It all depends who you are being routed through along they way to the IPS servers.

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[quote name='whitetigergrowl' date='21 October 2009 - 06:02 PM' timestamp='1256104965' post='1869575']
Could also be a connection/server somewhere from your location and the IPB servers that is having an issue. But outside of what I have already stated above, it's ran smooth for me. Could have been bad timing on your part, or something else along the way. And yes that's possible even if other sites loaded fine. I've had experiences where my members could access my site fine, but I couldn't. Even though every site I visited worked fine and mine didn't.

Nope, it couldn't be. That time is the page generation time from PHP, not the time to render. But as Matt said, backups.

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