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Keep access to license settings


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I've just noticed this yesterday since my license is nearing it's expiration date or renewal date. I lost access to my license settings and cannot get my license key, spam service key, change site URL and save FTP info.

The fact that my account is almost on the inactive members list must not mean i lose access to those info. I know it's easy to file a ticket for those information but its a bit of a hassle for staff members to bother with such small cases.

I was thinking of saving the keys in a text file and save it somewhere safe but i don't think it will be unless its on the customer panel where it should be.

Anybody else thinking the same way?

EDIT: Congratulations on everything btw. I have personally seen and have read bad things happening to VB(not that IPB wanted it to happen). I used to be a VB customer too but never went wrong when i moved to IPB.

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[quote name='WishBone' date='16 October 2009 - 04:22 PM' timestamp='1255666944' post='1867318']
I've just noticed this yesterday since my license is nearing it's expiration date or renewal date. I lost access to my license settings and cannot get my license key, spam service key, change site URL and save FTP info.

The fact that my account is almost on the inactive members list must not mean i lose access to those info. I know it's easy to file a ticket for those information but its a bit of a hassle for staff members to bother with such small cases.

I was thinking of saving the keys in a text file and save it somewhere safe but i don't think it will be unless its on the customer panel where it should be.

Anybody else thinking the same way?

EDIT: Congratulations on everything btw. I have personally seen and have read bad things happening to VB(not that IPB wanted it to happen). I used to be a VB customer too but never went wrong when i moved to IPB.

Well, the spam service key is useless to you if your support is inactive, just as saving your FTP info is. The license key is completely worthless whether your support is active or not, and if you want to change your site URL, you can file a ticket with sales.

So really, there's no info there you need if you aren't up to date on your support.

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I used to think they can identify or get automatic reports if a forum is unlicensed or if it didn't have a license key. Would be cool if that was to happen. Then they wouldn't have to just wait for reports from users.

Anyways its no biggie. Thanks Michael!

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No, our software does not callback or do anything like that. The ACP has some callbacks to our server to get news/blog posts, but it's not designed for piracy tracking.

We don't feel it's worth the trouble to inconvenience legit users for the small portion of users who feel it's ok to pirate the software. :) Generally speaking, of course.

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