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Download: Catalan Language for IPB v3.0.2


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File Name: Catalan Language for IPB v3.0.2
File Submitter: pisaldi
File Submitted: 04 Sep 2009
File Category: Language Packs

Traducció al Català de la versió 3.0.2

NOMÉS estan traduides les parts públiques, i de les parts d'ADMIN no hi ha res traduit...

Inclou la traducció completa de IP.Shoutbox v1.1.0 i de IP.Gallery v3.0.2

S'inclou el fitxer complet, i els fitxers per parts per si no et funciona la importació completa...

Si trobes cap cosa mal traduida, si us plau deixa un comentari indicant-me les frase mal traduides i l'entorn on es troben per a poder arreglar la traducció i millorar-ho en una futura revisió...

Pensa que han estat més de 50 HORES de feina! i encara falta la part d'ADMIN...

Qualsevol donació s'agrairà!!!

Click here to download this file

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  • 6 months later...

Hi -

Thanks for the translation packs but I have no idea what I am supposed to do. I am somewhat accomplished with IP Board so I'm no dummy. There are ten language packs here, all xml files. Okay good. But now, I can't upload each of these ten packs using the Language Manager? That is illogical.
This page will contain an area where you can upload that file, simply select the file from your computer and press "Import" - the language pack will imported and that language will then be available on your community.

Alright, so let's look at a different option: System -> Manage Applications & Modules: System | Forum | Members | Chat | Blog | Calendar | Portal

Do I open each of these modules and upload all of your associated language pack files to each module? Okay, my work is nothing compared to the amount of work you have done but then what, does a rower from Barcelona who is using our IP Board, have to keep changing the language settings as he goes from Module to Module? No? Okay, but then shouldn't I follow some kind of file naming protocol?

I am forever in your debt for all of your translation work but I truly have no idea how to use them.

Thanks for any advice you can provide.


[quote name='pisaldi' date='21 September 2009 - 11:49 PM' timestamp='1253573366' post='1860119']
File Name: Catalan Language for IPB v3.0.2
File Submitter: pisaldi
File Submitted: 04 Sep 2009
File Category: Language Packs

Traducció al Català de la versió 3.0.2

NOMÉS estan traduides les parts públiques, i de les parts d'ADMIN no hi ha res traduit...

Inclou la traducció completa de IP.Shoutbox v1.1.0 i de IP.Gallery v3.0.2

S'inclou el fitxer complet, i els fitxers per parts per si no et funciona la importació completa...

Si trobes cap cosa mal traduida, si us plau deixa un comentari indicant-me les frase mal traduides i l'entorn on es troben per a poder arreglar la traducció i millorar-ho en una futura revisió...

Pensa que han estat més de 50 HORES de feina! i encara falta la part d'ADMIN...

Qualsevol donació s'agrairà!!!

Click here to download this file

Once you have downloaded the language pack, it should contain a file ending in ".xml.gz". Go into your Admin CP, select the "Look & Feel" tab, then select "Manage Languages" from the menu on the left.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Brian,

Sorry for the delay... I did not see the question...

[quote name='glrfcentral' date='06 April 2010 - 04:18 AM' timestamp='1270520321' post='1937710']
Thanks for the translation packs but I have no idea what I am supposed to do. I am somewhat accomplished with IP Board so I'm no dummy. There are ten language packs here, all xml files. Okay good. But now, I can't upload each of these ten packs using the Language Manager? That is illogical.

If the server has few memory it gives problems to import the language, so it has been exported as parts, and you must import part by part... you import each pack and it will be ok...

If you have more doubts, please ask them...

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Hi -

Let us hope we do not meet in a dark alley. I uploaded each of your language packs and it overwrote all of my default english lanugage packs. It has taken me over 2 hours to restore the language and now I have to go in and recustomize all of the language settings I had before.

I recognize that you did try to create a language pack but after searching here on the forum, apparently your language pack has caused unknown havoc across the IPB community.

You should delete your language pack.

- Brian

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