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Download: (M31) Global Messages v2.0.0


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File Name: (M31) Global Messages v2.0.0
File Submitter: Michael John
File Submitted: 20 Jul 2009
File Updated: 21 Jun 2010
File Category: Hooks and Plugins

Description: Create an unlimited amount of global messages, optionally choose which member groups, skins, and forums each message appears on. Manage all messages securely through the Admin CP.

View full feature list and screenshots here: http://www.devfuse.c...lobal-messages/

[*]Default and Unreal Portal blocks with an option to show messages only in these blocks.[*]Sidebar hook with an option to show messages only in the sidebar.[*]Support custom pages for your custom applications, like downloads, shoutbox and donation tracker.[*]Give each message a different style from the 3 standard styles or an option to enter your css class name.[*]Option to show message based on equal to, greater than or lesser than to members post counts.[*]Is a hook, which means no file edits are needed, just upload the hook file and application and your done.[*]Choose which member groups can view each message.[*]Choose which skin each message appears on.[*]Choose which pages the message will appear.[*]Smart quick tags allow you to include information in each message such as Board Name, Member's Name and Id.[*]One easy place to edit all group messages, within the Admin CP for extra security.[*]Exclude certain forums from viewing the message.[*]Full HTML, BBCODE and smile support for all messages. (Follows IPB3 standard bbcode.)[*]Order global messages by position or random ordering.[*]Drag and drop ordering when messages are ordered by position.[*]Optional limiting of how many messages you want shown.[*]Enable/Disable message title per message or globally.


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Requirements: IP.Board 3.0.x / 3.1.x+

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  • 3 weeks later...

v2 of this mod have been released with new features and some bug fixes.

New Features:

[*]Option to show message based on post count. (greater than, lesser than or equal to.) [*]Option to change message style, include new css class for message and error and option to use custom css class. [*]Addition of expand/colapse from IPB2.3, [*]Option to allow members to collapse messages or not. [*]Support for custom application pages. ( E.G. aop=shoutbox, app=downloads, app=donate ) [*]Support for sidebar hook with option to only show message in sidebar. [*]Support for default and unreal portal as well as option to only show message in portal

[*]Group permissions will now follow secondary groups as well.

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