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ibf_posts table : Datafile is almost full

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Hello ! :)

I've ran a check on my database today. All tables status are ok, except that I found this message regarding the ibf_posts table :

So it seems that a table can't be bigger than 4294967294 bytes ? Is there a solution ?

Thank you ! :)

mydatabase.ibf_posts warning : Datafile is almost full, 3884812568 of 4294967294 used - status : OK

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Hello ! :)

I've read the page, and some others too. It seems a little too complex for me.

I will have to check this. I use Centos 5.3.

So, I will have to choose 6.

Some people reported that they lost data after running a query like this one :

Some others said they had problems when moving the database to another server. I would have liked to know more about it...

Anyway, I will first save the database and then try the query... Can someone tell me if running a query of this kind takes a lot of time ?

Thank you ! :)

If ... your operating system supports large files

To change the default size limit for MyISAM tables, set the myisam_data_pointer_size, ... A value of 4 allows tables up to 4GB; a value of 6 allows tables up to 256TB.

ALTER TABLE tbl_name MAX_ROWS=1000000000 AVG_ROW_LENGTH=nnn;

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