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Question about FURL

Axel Wers

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This topic is related to How to change FURL?, but now I have only one question about links:

Why we have this:

In my opinion second variant looks better than first, topics number should be together with "topic" and name of topic should be stay alone. Therefore I want only simple answer what is reason why we use the first variant. I don't want answer like "Because Matt says so" but trully reason. If you look into my topic you'll see that I have had problems with second variant. Is that problem?

Because Announcements has link in format:


but forums and topics not.



but not this?:

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I would suggest anyone to use the ipb's default choose. It's one of the best if we valutate seo ;)
One of the best because the best is (and will always be imo) this:

just because you can generate statics file when you have lots of thread, here is my example: (i hope it's not considered spam) http://techforum.it/usenet/
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