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IPB 3.X Suggestion - Include the "punishment" in warn log


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Hello, I find it a bit weird that when viewing the warn log you can't see for how long the user was suspended etc. This means that it needs to be written into the warn reason field, something you could easily forget. So I think that in addition to the information about whether you increased, decreased, did not change or custom changed warn level, there should be information about the "punishment" (suspension, all posts got unapproved/approved, ban etc).

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I think you misunderstand. This would not require a new text field, drop down box or anything (maybe a new database field?). I already know that the field "reason for warn" is required, and you can include the information in there. However it doesn't include the actions you chosed. The only actions it includes is whether you increased, decreased, did not change or custom changed the warn level.

An example; I choose to suspend a member 5 days, if I want to include this information today I have to write myself: "The member received 5 days suspension for doing this". But sometimes I wont remember to put this information inside the reason field or I could write the wrong information. What I mean is that if I choose to give the member a 5 days suspension, it would in the warn log be included automatically. For example it would be written "5 days suspension" if that was the action I chose.

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The information is already stored in the database - there's just nothing to display it in the warn logs page.

Regardless of whether this will be seen in the future, that means a hook could easily do this.

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