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Next Newest...

Guest Jaggi

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Not sure if its me but i never really use the next newest link in threads usually but found myself using here on the ipb forum but then realised its horribly flawed or its me, but the link doesn't actually take you to the next newest POST it just takes you to the top of the thread? why? and can be fixed cus at the moment its misleading and annoying.

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yea but no it doesn't, it takes you to the next newest topic with a post reply it in too... so basically runs off next new thread with a post but totally doesn't bother to take to the actual new post... see wot i'm getting at here? i suppose if i had never read a thread on this forum then it'd be a great feature but thats a little narrow minded. Needs to take you to newest unread post cus to be frank the whole topic idea... well it just ain't working.

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I fail to see the confusion myself. Perhaps it's just because I'm a developer and understand how it is supposed to (and does) work.

select * from ibf_topics where last_post > {this post date} order by last_post desc limit 1

(Send user to the topic id pulled from the query result)

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I just tried it out on a few topics in this forum and I can see where a new user might get confused. I went to next oldest and the first post that popped up was from January 29th or so, then I went back to next newest and it showed the first post in this topic. It doesn't confuse me since I've used IPB for over 3 years now (way back since 1.1.x days); but I can certainly see how a new user might be confused by this.

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But it doesn't :blink: it takes you to the next newest topic in the forum you're viewing. For example, if you click "Next Newest" in this topic (at this moment in time), it gives you a message saying there are no newer topics.

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ok i can't see how people are failing to understand this but it seems they are... ok for example i made this thread. I go off, some replies happen, i come back and there are two threads with replies in them, this being the top one, i go into the second thread using the go to new post icon, i then click the next newest link at the bottom of that thread and i'm taken to this thread, but to the very top of this thread when theres already been a dozen posts why does it take to the top, its just annoying cus then you have to scroll down to find the last post you can remember and continue on. Who wants to see the top of a new topic??? and read the post they have already read, thats my point, it should take you to next newest post.

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