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[FEEDBACK] Logging on

Guest theclub

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I have also disabled Create a stronghold auto-log in cookie? and a couple of members have said it


better. Not sure if it is related but it happened twice after logging into my seperate CMS.

Sorry guys this is still despite the above. Should I submit a ticket?
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You could try setting the cookie info to see if that helps.

Also, try changing each of the following settings one-by-one to see if any of them solve the problem.

- Stronghold Cookie:
- Enable X_FORWARDED_FOR IP matching?
- Reset member's log in key upon each log in? Yes
- Match user's IP Address during session validation: Yes
- Match user's browser during session validation: Yes

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I never have to re-login - I haven't been to this forum since Friday, and I just opened it up and I'm still logged in.

It's not a global bug - there is something causing you to be logged out. Do you visit from multiple locations? i.e. work and home? That would reset your login key and you'd have to re-login, for example. There's something specific causing it, and I can't reproduce (here, at least).

actually i had this problem also on my board .. but telling the users to delete there cookies by the browser (not with the link on the board) fixed for all of them so far.

but there is another problem which is very anoying for my members: as described in the quote you're getting logged off if you connect to the board from a different location. how can i disable that? it might be good for security reasons but its not acceptable for my community..

match bowser or ip is both off

so please tell me how i can disable it
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Just thought I'd add I haven't had any problems on the sites that I visit or maintain.

The only time I notice a problem is if you don't have a cookie domain set, so make sure that's set and see what happens for those of you having problems?

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Is this being treated as a bug now as its getting a tad annoying to say the least.

Logged out of this forum twice this week and have only visited twice this week.

I have/had a support ticket in for my own site and disabled stronghold cookie, had my cookie path set and it's still happening. I have been logged out a fair few times, I have approximately 1-2 members a day locked and it is starting to have an affect on my forums.

Has a priority been set to work out whats going on?


I have been watching my online users and the online users here as well and at the mo there are 764 guests, 31 members, which is normally a lot higher for members online which has to make you wonder. On my own forums the number of guests has also increased the number of members online dropped

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In reference to this thread:

bfarber says he cannot reproduce the problem. I'd like him to try dialing up using the AOL client and trying to login.

However, the main issue of the other thread that he keeps closing is not the logging-in problem. Obviously, if members can't login then they may stop trying and will participate in another forum. I'm curious if there are other issues that could be responsible with IP.Board experience. One such issue could be privacy. Some members may not like the new profiles tracking their visits. Could there be others that maybe your members have mentioned after your upgrade to 2.2.1?

Another member had suggested removing the security aspects that the Admin CP warns you against. Like, with proxies (VIA).

Has anyone tried disabling everything that's put in place under "security" to see if that resolves it? If so, should we take this step in order to let members login? Of course, much of this existed previously in 2.1.7 and our members could login without us needing to disable these secure settings. Maybe something has changed with how those function between 2.2 and 2.2.1 or in conjunction with any new code.

Submitting a bug ticket isn't going to help with someone who can't reproduce the problem. Maybe a more advanced or knowledgeable server admin could try.

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Someone needs to put up a poll checking for relationships between the php configuration used on a host and the emergence of this problem. $5 says there will be patterns.

I'm going to tell you all a dirty little secret. When I have server configuration problems, this is where I go:


About 80% of it carries over.

That kind of resource is what IPS needs.

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In reference to this thread:


bfarber says he cannot reproduce the problem. I'd like him to try dialing up using the AOL client and trying to login.

However, the main issue of the other thread that he keeps closing is not the logging-in problem. Obviously, if members can't login then they may stop trying and will participate in another forum. I'm curious if there are other issues that could be responsible with IP.Board experience. One such issue could be privacy. Some members may not like the new profiles tracking their visits. Could there be others that maybe your members have mentioned after your upgrade to 2.2.1?

Another member had suggested removing the security aspects that the Admin CP warns you against. Like, with proxies (VIA).

Has anyone tried disabling everything that's put in place under "security" to see if that resolves it? If so, should we take this step in order to let members login? Of course, much of this existed previously in 2.1.7 and our members could login without us needing to disable these secure settings. Maybe something has changed with how those function between 2.2 and 2.2.1 or in conjunction with any new code.

Submitting a bug ticket isn't going to help with someone who can't reproduce the problem. Maybe a more advanced or knowledgeable server admin could try.

I tried AOL one time (with IPB 2.1) - they tried to charge my personal credit card for the "free trial" and I spent 3 weeks getting my $20 back. I will NEVER install AOL again to test, sorry. I DO have the AOL Explorer browser offered from AOL and HAVE tested with that, but unfortunately, I do not have AOL dial up service, and will not be signing up for it to test a login issue, I'm afraid. Tried it before, had no issues with IPB, but had major issues with AOL themselves. Sorry.

So that you can reply with:

Working as Intended

and close it?

A TICKET is not the same as a BUG REPORT. I stated users should submit a ticket to their client area, so that I can work on the issue on a one-on-one basis. At least 2-3 users have done this, and I've not ignored the tickets. I have 2 open now that I'm actively troubleshooting in fact (however given the nature of the problem, it's not a open ticket, read, reply type deal like some issues - it's an ongoing investigation process, so if you submit a ticket don't expect an immediate resolution). Submitting a ticket allows me to attempt to troubleshoot on a site, with access, so I can try to narrow down why some users may be experiencing problems. I don't have full access to this forum, nor can I reproduce any problems here.

Someone needs to put up a poll checking for relationships between the php configuration used on a host and the emergence of this problem. $5 says there will be patterns.

I'm going to tell you all a dirty little secret. When I have server configuration problems, this is where I go:


About 80% of it carries over.

That kind of resource is what IPS needs.

We have the Wiki on IPS Beyond, and I've started a few (2 or 3) server-configuration related topics in there. If users would contribute more to the Ineo system on IPS Beyond, we WOULD have a comparable resource specific to IPB. :)
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Might I suggest that the majority of the problems on here are caused by:

  • People not expecting the stronghold cookie to be on
  • Being unaware of the fact they have a dynamic IP address
  • Configuration changes not being cached immediately
  • Old cookie remnants messing things up
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well i am still constantly getting this problem. can't we just change back the IPB software so logging on was the same as before? i.e. the 2.1 style login? i thought it worked fine before the upgrade.

also, i would have thought any trouble shooting could have been done by simply comparing the old and the new code and working out what is different. though maybe i am a bit niave as i am no programmer. so i don't quite understand the need to log tickets and do troubleshooting.

cheers :)

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Might I suggest that the majority of the problems on here are caused by:

  • People not expecting the stronghold cookie to be on
  • Being unaware of the fact they have a dynamic IP address
  • Configuration changes not being cached immediately
  • Old cookie remnants messing things up


No, because you'd be wrong. When I commented on my problem (and I think a couple of others did too) I proactively countered every single one of these points.
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well i am still constantly getting this problem. can't we just change back the IPB software so logging on was the same as before? i.e. the 2.1 style login? i thought it worked fine before the upgrade.

also, i would have thought any trouble shooting could have been done by simply comparing the old and the new code and working out what is different. though maybe i am a bit niave as i am no programmer. so i don't quite understand the need to log tickets and do troubleshooting.

cheers :)

Yeah, I'm afraid it doesn't quite work that way. There's an excessive number of changes between the versions...too many to make it "easy" to just know which code changed that is causing people problems.

We tightened up security proactively, but there has to be some sort of common denominator for those users now experiencing problems. It could be browser plugins, specific browser security settings, firewalls on user's pcs, or any number of things (given that the problem obviously doesn't affect everyone). That is why we need to find what is causing the problem.
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Brandon I don't know if it helps but when my ISP does a flush and my IP is reset, I find myself somtimes having to re-login. I only visit two IPB board, Here, and MSBetas. Last time I only had to re-login at MSB.

Is there anyway for you to test with varying IP's? I think that might be the main issue, espically when reffering to AOL members.

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