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Company Forums Suggestion

Guest stobbo

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I think it would be good if on the IPS forums they had a area for pre purchase questions. I think it would help people who need to ask questions about any Invision Power product before they buy it. It could also maybe take a burden of the IPS support staff.

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Normally that would be a good idea - but the problem with this is that non-ips staff tend to jump in on a pre-sales question. Granted, many of the non-ips staff replie(s) are correct, but at times they are incorrect (or not 100% right) which can certainly cause confusion for the requestor and can all too easily go off-topic.

You can always email sales@invisionpower.com for any of your pre-sales questions.

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There was a forum for a long time, and it was removed. :)

I guess maybe it isn't a good idea if it should be removed.

We really prefer email because then if a customer does order something their presales questions are tagged to their account as a support ticket so we have a record of all communication with them. It's a feature of Nexus.

Seems nice, can't wait for Nexus :P , anyway I guess if it is better to do via email then maybe it should be kept that way.
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We really prefer email because then if a customer does order something their presales questions are tagged to their account as a support ticket so we have a record of all communication with them. It's a feature of Nexus.

Yeah, I always found that pretty cool. When I first logged into my client area there was already a ticket with a pre-sales conversation I'd had.

Perhaps a mailto reirect forum?
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Yeah, I always found that pretty cool. When I first logged into my client area there was already a ticket with a pre-sales conversation I'd had.

Perhaps a mailto reirect forum?

That is a neat idea. Or a link to a form similar to the piracy one which can be used for pre sales questoins.
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