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All user groups should be able to have incrementing pips.

Guest Quillz

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vBulletin has had this feature for years, and I'm surprised that it was never added into IP.Board. The default "member" user group can have pips that increase in number after reaching x amount of posts. However, a non default "member" user group, like a staff group, cannot. Why is this? On my board, I have blue colored pips for members, and I have a set of red pips that I want to use for staff groups. I think that in future versions of IP.Board, this should be a stock feature.

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FuSoYa has a modification which allows you to show group icons and pips at the same time though this should be default, or at least an option in the ACP.

That's not what I'm asking, though. It only allows you to show the pips with the team icons.

Let me try to clarify. A standard IP.Board installation uses blue pips for members. What I would like to see is be able to specify essentially anything as a "pip," and then let any user group use them like the member groups do; they increase with posts, etc.
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