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IPB Portal Hidden From Guests

Guest Xandur

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I have a simple family website and my members value their privacy above all else. Under security options, I have "Force guests to log in before allowing access to the board?" set to YES. Unfortunately, any Joe Schmoe can see the IPB portal page without logging in.

Please make an option that makes the IPB Portal also force guests to log in before allowing access.


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I have a simple family website and my members value their privacy above all else.  Under security options, I have "Force guests to log in before allowing access to the board?" set to YES.  Unfortunately, any Joe Schmoe can see the IPB portal page without logging in. 

Please make an option that makes the IPB Portal also force guests to log in before allowing access.


EDIT:  Also, which forum is best for posting these type of suggestions.  This one or "Company Product and Services Feedback".  Both say they're for product suggestions and I want to make sure I'm posting it where it's gonna get noticed.


Simple answer would be not to use the portal in this case :-)

The point of the portal is so that user can see the posts you want on the front page. Perhaps you should use the portal just for news posts you make? I mean as you have it now the portal won't show those forum's posts anyway.

As this is a suggestion this is the correct forum.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Not to dredge up an old post, but...

Simple answer would be not to use the portal in this case :-)

I find that to be an unacceptable answer. Why do my members have to live without the portal because they value their privacy? The portal is a good main page because it's a central point where bulletins and others stuff can be seen instantly upon loading the website.

The point of the portal is so that users can see the posts you want on the front page. Perhaps you should use the portal just for news posts you make?

Thats exactly what I want to do. Post family relevant news on the portal. Things that I and the rest of my family would like to keep private.
That's the bottom line. The portal should be set up so that guests cannot see it if I so choose.
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I have a simple family website and my members value their privacy above all else.  Under security options, I have "Force guests to log in before allowing access to the board?" set to YES.  Unfortunately, any Joe Schmoe can see the IPB portal page without logging in.

Please make an option that makes the IPB Portal also force guests to log in before allowing access.



Maybe as option just to hide the portal from guests? Then again couldn't your family members just browse through forums vs. the portal?
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Maybe as option just to hide the portal from guests?

That's exactly what I'm suggesting. I'm no coder, but it couldn't be that difficult to add this feature.

Then again couldn't your family members just browse through forums vs. the portal?

Yeah, they could just browse thru the forums. But then couldn't everybody on every site using IPB just browse thru the forums and not use the portal? Nobody really needs the portal since all the content can be found by browsing the forums, but the portal was added by IPS because it's a nice feature that people like to use.

I just think it's unfortunate that my members have to live without the portal because they value their privacy.
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Damn good idea Dacity. I went and changed everything for Guests to "no".

Unfortunately it didn't work. The content is still visible when using the portal. :(

Thanks for the suggestion though, appreciate it.

Maybe instead of adding an option to the portal, maybe IPS could just add a simple option under each user group where the admin can select whether or not the group can view the portal.

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Make sure that the only permission mask that the guest group has access to is the guest permission mask. Make sure that permission mask has NOTHING checked, and all options are against the guest being able to do anything.

I tested it on my board, and as a guest, using the portal, any forum I didn't have show for, i couldn't see anything from it.

They'll still be able to access the portal.. But they won't be able to see much.

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I have done that and I can still see stuff. I have used the special index.php in my root public_html folder supplied in the Tools_and_Scripts folder. I dunno if that has anything to do with it.

Here are some screenies of my settings...

post-59193-1098153232_thumb.jpg post-59193-1098153242_thumb.jpg post-59193-1098153249_thumb.jpg

Please check PM Dacity. Thx.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is a slightly old post, but I STILL can't get this to work. I was hoping I'd figure it out on my own but I just can't. The frustrating part about it is I'm not exactly a moron when it comes to stuff like this. I've coded some old fashioned HTML sites back in the day and dabbled in some php sites as well so I can usually figure this stuff out on my own.

I think the problem is due to the fact that I'm using the edited index.php that comes in the ibportal folder supplied with the 2.0 installation, but I'm not sure. When going to the portal by using the "index.php?act=home" path, guest cannot see anything. But when going to my base url you can see everything. As seen in the pics I posted above, I have EVERYTHING set to "NO" under user group settings for guests and then nothing checked under forum permission masks yet if you're not logged in and go to my base url you can see everything.

I'm completely willing to give somebody a test admin account to check my settings... if they're willing to take a quick look. I'd really appreciate any help you're willing to give.

Thanks alot.

EDIT: Also, if an admin reads this could you please move it to the support forum if at all possible. This started out as a suggestion until I found out it could be done. Thanks.

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I wouldn't say screwy. Just maybe an unexpected feature depending on how you look at it. (For those curious, using the portal with *ALL* permission masks unchecked will actually let a guest read stuff on the portal. Either a bug, or maybe a backup/default to all?)..

In either case, added (Show) and (Read) to the first category, only those two in that one place, and the problem is fixed.

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Since this was originally posted in the feature suggestion forum I'd like to suggest a simple button in the portal settings that blocks the portal from guests. Then, just like when you have guests blocked from the forum they get an error message stating "You do not have permission to view this board" I'd like peeps to get that same message when going to the portal. The current look of the portal when you have visitors blocked just looks like crap.

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