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Posts posted by Malefickus

  1. The whole reason for the word "My" instead of "Your" is to make it feel more personal. Such as in IP.Board, where it says "My Settings" or "My Profile." Makes the whole site in itself feel as if its been designed just for me (even though there may be hundreds or thousands of users).

  2. When at the main homepage for invisionpower.com, it says "My Account" at the top, which I think is great. However, once I am in "My Account", I am looking at "Your Tickets", "Your Invoices" etc. Any way to change that to "My Tickets," "My Invoices," "My Downloads" etc?

    Just a small nitpicky thing, kinda makes it feel more personal in my opinion.

  3. How about making it to where the +/- rep only occurs if you are viewing that topic? I'm starting to see links popping up on these forums linking to another post/topic that forces someone to + rep the post. I only want to add + or - rep to a post if I feel like it needs it, not because I clicked on a link provided by someone else who felt it needed it.

  4. Where in the gallery did you find it?

    Well, if you look at that screenshot closely, you can tell it says "Lorem ipsum" all over, so I just did a search for Lorem ipsum and it was the only result. That's why I'm thinking that's the image :P
  5. Quite frankly, it doesn't really look to me like they are stealing anyone's ideas. There's only so many ways to lay things out on the page before it doesn't look very intuitive.

    I find there are similarities just like cars all have similarities, regardless of the model. Though "copying" IP.Board 3 I find as feasible as Ford claiming that Chevrolet copied their cars because they all have headlights, tail lights, and a gas pedal..

  6. You think I'm talking about the transaction between the licensee and the purchaser? I'm referring to the seller charging back their payment to IPS after "selling" the license - first thing IPS does if that happens is void the license and customer portal access. Ouch! New buyer now has no forum, and no money.

    Look, let's be honest, digital products are a pain in the ass to handle resale of. Most companies, IPS included, simply opt to not support it at all - why is it that people don't understand this? They've given you an option already - hand over the client area details to the buyer. Some companies would try to forbid even that!

    I think his dilemma here is if he is only trying to sell a portion of the licenses he owns. For example, I own a board, gallery, and blog license, buy no longer use the blog one. It wouldn't be possible to just sell the blog one, I'd have to sell everything in one go if I sold anything.

  7. It will at least be another hour.

    ZOMG!!!! Only 1 more hour? Everyone let me download it before you crash their servers by slamming F5 repeatedly!

    Please note: this is just a small attempt at humor as well :P

    I will say though, my 6 months support is up on the 24th...and I only renewed it when I did because of the 1st 3.0 beta coming out. Will kinda suck if the beta process lasted just over 6 months and I have to renew again to be able to update >_<
  8. Well, considering the sale they have going is until June 30th, I would not predict a release before then. On top of that, all of the conversions they probably have lining up since they are free for those purchasing a new license, I'm sure they'll hold off the release a few more days beyond that even so they can catch up a tiny bit before the influx of requests come in immediately after release.

    By no means am I guaranteeing ANYTHING at all, but purely speculating, I would wager that we won't see anything until well after the 4th of July holidays. That is, if I was a betting man...but I'm not :P

  9. Just finished my RC 2 upgrade without any hitches. Heck, my computer even crashed in the middle of running through the upgrader, and was able to pick up where I left off without any problems.

  10. Is this from 2.3.x or a fresh install?

    When I upgraded my 2.3.6 to RC 1 it went absolutely smooth, like melted butter. In the process of the RC 1 to RC 2 now though, will report on that when it's done.
  11. After checking out the article, and attempting the edit myself, I've noticed a couple of things.
    I was able to fix those by adding in a replacement variable, and able to line it up on the left side instead of the right with the following change from:

    [*]The "Top" button gets placed at the end of the buttons on the right side of the post_controls area, instead of by the "Report" like it was in 2.3.x [*]There is no image associated with it, so it just comes out as words on a button.

    			ul.post_controls li.report,
    			ul.post_controls.left li {
    				float: left;


    			ul.post_controls li.report,
    			ul.post_controls li.top,
    			ul.post_controls.left li {
    				float: left;

    You could then edit the HTML as you see fit to add in your own little image. I ended up with:

    <a href='#top' title='{$this->lang->words['back_top']}'>{parse replacement="top_button"}{$this->lang->words['back_top']}</a> </li>

    	<li class='top'>

    And this is the end result: I don't know if I should post it as a "bug" since I don't know if it would be considered as one, but I did do an update to the article bfarber made detailing these extra steps to get that familiar feel back to it.


  12. Wow how many bugs are in the RC1 (more than 100). You have to work really hard guys. Good luck :thumbsup:

    The thing is, with this release being RC 1, more people are actually using it in a live environment. Therefore, with much more usage than any of the Betas went through, more bugs are sure to find their way out.

    I will admit though, the staff is doing an excellent job of fixing what bugs are reported, and fixing them quickly.

  13. Getting closer to RC (I know Beta 5 has to come first, maybe 6 and a few more) I can feel it in my bones :P I'm happy, [s]VERY early[/s] Christmas present huh?!

    Yeah, that'd be nice!
  14. I'm for it, but then you'll have the people who want it to integrate with MySpace, hi5, or any other social networking site out there, just because it integrates with FaceBook and they'll feel like the dorky kid in 4th grade who was always picked last for the kickball team.

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