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Posts posted by rbiss

  1. I didn't think many people had such strong emotions about a skin :)

    We have simply been distracted with core development on new versions and have not had an opportunity to focus on the skin and such.

    Some of us have been looking for an alternative skin so we can incorporate banner ads in the header (something we were vocal about from the first sneak preview of IP3, somewhere in what Dec 08?). When the skin contest happened last summer, the CleanCut skin was the obvious solution. Quite excited that a major fault of the design for some of us was going to be fixed. 6 or 7 months later it still isn't officially out?

    I understand you don't want to put dates on future feature rollouts, but my biggest gripe is the false impression created about features that are implied or stated as coming soon. 6 or 7 months is not coming soon. Better communication on timing would be appreciated.
  2. I believe Comscore recently reported that 18% of social network usage is through mobile now. The numbers are going through the roof. Would be nice to catch the wave as quickly as possible.

  3. No. There are no "approved mods" to test against. We do not support third party modifications (or hooks/applications) in any way, shape or form. The closest we come to "supporting" third party code is with our community projects, where we are available for the developers to communicate with if they have problems, questions or suggestions.

    Given most issues are upgrade problems and possibly mods I suppose the logical step would be stop upgrading or making any changes and thus not renewing.

  4. If you need to contact technical support, then yes, send in a ticket - that's what that system is for. Things would get messy if have technicians had to answer both tickets and topics here :)

    To answer your question - the default PHP 5 memory limit is 128M, which should be sufficient.

    Our system requirements

    are documented

    , while some people may find some settings need to be tweaked if they have a particularly large site - the default configuration should be fine for most, and that is what that page assumes you have.

    Both of my last two webhost accounts have PHP5.2 but 32M. Is that insufficient for this board?
  5. By the way, you need a forum here where your paid customers can ask questions to staff, not just non customers. It ridiculous with no documentation. Are we suppose to send in tickets for basic information?

    What are the memory requirements for this board? I'm on server number 2 so before I try #3 it would be nice to know what is needed to run this.

  6. Friends - The friends system is not complete. To make it truly relevant a member should be able to show blogs and gallery to friends only. I don't know what it would take to make that a standard option but it should be on top of the list of developing new member-friendly features.

    Reputation - There should be a way to show members who they received reps from. An optional admin enabled feature. If everything is just anonymous there is hardly motivation for members to use it. I have my board toggled to positive only and know if they could see or be seen on this feature it would be used a lot. As it is it is hardly used, and as a board user I understand why they don't. It is rather meaningless in the present state.

    Those two additions would make a huge difference.

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