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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by WebCMS

  1. In Page Builder, we should be able to insert placeholder components above and below of the content wide bar, like so: The 3-column placeholders in the left/wide bar would allow us to place widgets in it optimally without widgets looking too wide (widgets placed in the side bar are making it grow too tall)
  2. Exactly. 2-3 pinned topics per row (should be configurable) would reduce the number of pinned rows clutter on the top.
  3. On the Forums and other pages, I don't see a way to add a 3-column component (similar to Article Pages) to place some widgets in them. Sidebar becomes too tall with widgets and placing widgets in the left/wide bar makes the widgets too wide and not optimal. Please provide a way to add extra 2-column and 3-column template components to Forums and other pages (top and bottom) in the left/wide bar. These would not show at runtime if not used and nothing is placed in them and so they would not break anything. TIA
  4. Please provide Sidebar component on these pages so we can place some widgets in it. TIA
  5. Permissions needed for Events > Subscribe > Download iCalendar Export Subscribe to iCalendar Feed Currently, anyone can download/subscribe to these and if the data was gathered and put together painstakingly after extensive research for months, anyone could simply download and upload it into their site's events module within seconds. TIA
  6. Some topics are so short-lived like job postings that are valid for just 30 days. Is it possible to set a specific job postings forum to have its topics purged after 30 days? I see only a global setting to purge topics after specified number of years from all forums. it would be nice to have this feature for specific forums.
  7. Not using club-forums now because of some limitations and no grouping. Using subforums now that resolved the issue with Fluid Mode on categories.
  8. I realized Clubs are not fully featured compared to regular forums, blogs and calendars. I added just one subforum to the General category and boom, the filters widget got auto-rendered with all the club-forums in it. But they were all over the place sorted by activity with no structure as there are no categories in clubs to group them and club-forums are not fully featured like regular forums. Club-events have issues too in that they display in just one color on the event calendar and they don't get listed in topic list like regular events. Club-blogs had similar issues. I went with subforums instead and changed the language strings from Forums to Clubs. Apparently, the issue I encountered with clubs (no way to switch to Fluid View) is an existing one -
  9. In Fluid View mode, pinned topics from all subforums would probably occupy more than half of the first page. Instead, there could be a config option to render 2-4 pinned topics on each row on the top of topic list (instead of one pinned topic per row). This way, all pinned topics would get accommodated on a couple of topic list rows to save vertical space and scroll-fest for a better UX. TIA
  10. Currently, when we click the Category heading in the filters widget, all the checkboxes/subforums under the category get selected (toggle behavior). However, there is no way the user would know that is how it works and they select/unselect each subforum manually which is a bad UX. Instead, there should be a checkbox for each Category heading too which will bulk-toggle the selections of all subforums under the category (expected behavior). TIA
  11. In Fluid View, there is no visual cue to indicate if any filters are applied using the checkboxes in the sidebar widget. If there are many subforums, user may miss to notice some subforums were checked at the bottom and wonder why not all topics are showing in the topic list. On the top where it renders the title "Topics", it could instead display (only if any filters are in effect) - Topics (4 filters) clear The above title shows how many filters are currently in effect and a "clear" link button to reset all filters with one click (instead of having to find each checked box and uncheck them one at a time which is a bad UX). TIA
  12. On Discussion type forums, the forum name of the topic is displayed on topic detail page. Forum name is rendered under "By Administrator" followed by Date and Forum name (clickable blend-link). But on Question type forums, this forum name is missing and there is no way to tell from the topic detail page to which forum the topic belongs. You can see under "Asked by Administrator" it says 13 minutes ago but no forum name. Instead of rendering the forum name under "Asked by Admin" as a blend-link, it would be ideal to add the Forum name in the breadcrumb on the top where it says "Home > Welcome!" - it should ideally say - Home > Forum name > Welcome! My forum is the same as homepage but it should still display the hierarchy properly so user could navigate by clicking on the specific part of the breadcrumb as expected behavior and as how breadcrumbs are rendered on other pages. TIA
  13. It be a graceful to be able to predefine and lock categories for Blog Entries - similar to how they are optional to be predefined for Tags, Articles and also Blogs but lacking at Blog Entries level. Instead of repeating everything all over again, here is the topic - TIA
  14. I got that. I've already read the docs on blogs. No issues with Blog categories as they are defined by the admin. For individual blogs, there are no initial categories unless the blog creator defines them for the new blog. That's fine too. However, for group blogs, there should be a config option to lock the categories allowing users to use predefined categories. Nothing stops online anonymous users from creating several categories and even duplicate categories just to abuse/break the system. This optional control is implemented nicely in Tags, Articles and even Blogs but is somehow a shortcoming at the Blog Entries level (under group blogs). A company could create a group blog for their employees and would be ideal to predefine categories for blog entries for consistency instead of allowing employees to create categories while creating entries. Instead of allowing users to create their own blogs, I would like to create a group blog for each category and allow users to create entries in any of these group blogs using the predefined categories (by admin) for each blog. Where can I request this change to provide an option to allow predefined categories for group blog entries?
  15. I was able to list topics from all club forums in a single main forum view. However, I needed to disallow users from switching views - it will always be Fluid view (until the issue is resolved). If I allow users to choose view, the Fluid view button does not get rendered for some reason and it reverts to Table view. For a new user, I once saw Fluid view button rendered but as soon as the view is switched to Fluid view (and maybe the user preference stored in cookie), the Fluid view button does not get rendered anymore and switches back to Table view. For this reason, I had to disallow switching views. Glitch? The Filter Widget does not get auto-rendered maybe because I don't have category-forums in clubs to act as parents, and I had to add the Clubs widget to the sidebar (but there are no checkbox filters in the Clubs widget to filter topics). For now, users will have topics from the main forum + topics from all club-forums OR topics from a single club-forum (when clicked on a club in the Clubs widget, it goes to the first forum in the club). If Clubs widget (on the Forum page) can have filters checkboxes, that would resolve the issue. I have to try grouping club-forums under category-forums to see if I get the Filters widget auto-rendered but many of my clubs have only one forum so the category-forums will have just one forum under them.
  16. While creating a blog, it takes a category. Why does it require a category again for creating blog-entries when the parent-blog is already inside a category? For instance, if the blog is in Cooking category, how does it make sense to select Politics category for its blog entry? The issue is, I could not find a way to force users to use predefined categories only for blog entries (similar to blogs and tags). It is giving an option to create new categories which can get abused resulting in too many categories - not to mention, duplicate categories. If I delete all the categories, will it still require a category for creating blog entries? I just want users to use only existing categories for blog entries (similar to blogs and tags) or eliminate categories from blog entries (similar to articles without categories). TIA
  17. Email clients like Outlook and Apple Mail are displaying just the name part (SiteName) with a down arrow when clicked reveals the email address - noreply@invisioncloudcommunity.com But in Gmail web, it displays the entire "Community <noreply@invisioncloudcommunity.com>". Is it possible to display just the Name part in Gmail? It could display the email part on hovering over the name part which is fine. Will setting up SMTP would save the thousands of sent and received emails in the email account? Or is it possible to configure SMTP not to save sent emails in Sent folder?
  18. I'm seeing these in Gmail on the received emails for moderators (not sure about members) - from: SiteName <noreply@invisioncloudcommunity.com> signed-by: invisioncloudcommunity.com Body: "User has posted a post in a topic requiring approval"... Why is it not using the "Outgoing Email Address" specified in Email Settings? Where do I configure them to show my email address and domain? Account on IC cloud.
  19. Hello Team, It would be nice to export the configuration data from ACP as Last-Good backup that can be used to restore the config anytime or to quickly start a new website using the config data with a head-start as opposed to starting a site from scratch. Config data should not include the transaction data such as topics, posts, blog entries, articles, events, users, moderators, etc. The backup copies could be stored on the server and also made downloadable. What do you think?
  20. One of the following approaches would be a graceful solution to this issue - 1) You already have emojis grouped by category nicely so it would be quick to offer filter switches in the ACP to unselect emojis by category. This generic solution will not affect the behavior as all the emojis would still show by default. For those site operators who want to filter out some categories, they could use the category switches in the ACP. 2) Alternatively, you could offer to sort the categories so we could push the less frequently used categories to the bottom (this would be ideal for sites who still want to offer all the emojis but list the most used categories on the top). Best of both worlds. If you don't wanna implement the above - 3) For the emojis themselves, we could hide them using CSS like so for now: div[data-categoryid='flags'] {display: none} However, this leaves the category headings as they don't have unique identity in the DOM. Hiding by the available classes (ipsAreaBackground_light ipsPad_half) will hide all category headings and display all the emojis in one place (including the Recently Used ones) which is not ideal. How about giving ID's to the category heading divs so we could hide them using CSS? <div class="ipsAreaBackground_light ipsPad_half" id="catetory-symbols"> Then, in our CSS: #category-symbols {display: none} Or you could group each category heading div and their emoji divs inside a parent div with ID's so we could hide the parent-category divs by their ID's. Done.
  21. Under Events > Subscribe button menu, how to remove or hide the "Download iCalendar export" option? Is there a permission for it? Is there no way to add JavaScript in the app? TIA
  22. Is is possible to create a private page accessible only to Moderators? If so, how? Is it possible to place a link to the private page on ModCP page? If so, how? TIA
  23. Hi @Joel R currently, we are able to consolidate forum and club forums into a single view already (as also confirmed by @FanClub Mike and I can show you Fluid view of forums+club forums on my site too) but here are some minor issues - View buttons are not rendered for Guest users Fluid view button does not render for logged in users who selected Table view before Once we click the Table view button, the Fluid view button is gone for some reason Forum Filters widget with filter checkbox does not render when rendering Fluid view. So forums and club forums were designed to be consolidated but for the above a minor issues. Why would anyone use club-forums if they are going to fragment discussions and lower the site activity with no way to consolidate their topics? IC's documentation states multiple forums would be detrimental to site activity. I've not seen any IC forum using clubs so far including this site (menu item exists but no clubs exist even for a demo but for a reason). In other words, clubs are not being useful due to the above minor issues. If their data is stored in the same table, what would happen if we consolidate their topics (which is already done) with a Forums Filter widget?
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