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Posts posted by Underwood

  1. Hello,

    We have encountered a problem with images uploaded from iPhone devices. Images taken in portrait mode are not correctly recognized by our forum and are displayed in landscape mode, which affects the overall user experience.

    I would like to inquire if there is a solution to address this image orientation issue. Could this be related to a compatibility issue between our IPB forum and the orientation metadata of images taken from iOS devices ?

    We are committed to providing an optimal user experience for our members and are determined to resolve this issue promptly. Your expertise and guidance would be greatly appreciated.

    If you need any additional information, please do not hesitate to let me know. Thank you in advance for your assistance.

  2. On 8/28/2023 at 5:55 PM, Miss_B said:

    Most likely you are not entering the names correctly. Anyways, I support the app only at my forum from now on. Can you please post at its support topic at my forum:


    Hum and ... how to enter a name correctly ?

    Are you sure your app works on Invision Community v4.7.12 ?



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    Could contain: Computer, Electronics, Pc, Computer Hardware, Hardware, File, Text, Monitor, Screen, Page

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