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Everything posted by Joe12345

  1. Not a developer, but wondering whether it's possible to have someone create a web app that functions within Invision, so that each user can complete forms of various types (with graphical output) and view and update these over time, privately ie only visible when logged in? And, ideally, upload documents to an also-private area? Apologies for the terminology! J
  2. Removing 'guests' from the access list in the menu manager doesn't remove the search box from the top bar of my site. *Deleting* the menu item doesn't remove the search box. I'm using the Ortem theme from ipsfocus and there's no option in it for toggling the 'Search' box. I'm not sure if this is a theme or an Invision issue? Thanks! EDIT: Turned out to be a theme tweak was needed!
  3. Weirdly, it seems to be that the buttons for 'Edit' are in white i.e. invisible until hover?!
  4. I've written a long essay and was previously able to edit it. Now, though, I can open the editing tab from the left but the block doesn't have an 'edit' button. Have I somehow locked it inadvertently? The only thing I can think of that I've done today was add some functionality to the editor toolbar via import, and possibly had the same page open for editing in two windows simultaneously. Thanks! Can't edit any WYSIWYG blocks, actually
  5. Can't for the life of me see where/how to do this? I can reorder modules, but not the lessons within a module. Thanks!
  6. Thanks! WYSIWYG above the whole thing met my need.
  7. Reviving an old thread! How can I customise the whole page e.g. to add a prefacing paragraph above 'Display name'? Thanks!
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