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    MAHMUT ORHAN reacted to Marc Stridgen in Default Error Mesages Changes   
    This would be the language string generic_offline_message . Please see the following guide on how to edit language strings
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    MAHMUT ORHAN reacted to Stuart Silvester in //Dangerous PHP Functions Enabled   
    The disable_function directive can only be set in the servers master php.ini, it cannot be changed in user/custom configuration files. It would be quite pointless from a security perspective if you could just disable it.
    Disabling it for your own user only is also not effective, the problem with these functions being available on the server is that other users on the server may be able to use them to damage your community or breach your data. If this is a shared host, it would suggest that their server security may already be quite lax.
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    MAHMUT ORHAN got a reaction from SeNioR- in //Dangerous PHP Functions Enabled   
    I almost set up my website with invision community, but I didn't check this one because it was removing the signup buttons and etc if I disable this functions. 

    After I talk about this with my host provider, they sent me this php version .ini files and I added this disable_functions to top, to make sure. But this functions made my invision community to lose register login areas and few other things like rich texts etc.
    my invision community site is on public.html > /forum/ folder the main publichtml is wordpress based I installed invision on the forum folder.
    So fix this issue; should I do this job on /forum/ folder or public html folder the main folder.
    And what is the correct way to do it.
    Should I just remove the other functions and just type the disable_functions = ?
    Please thanks for any help.
    disable_functions = "show_source, system, shell_exec, exec" disable_functions ="exec,passthru,shell_exec,system,proc_open,popen,pcntl_exec" ;---apcu--- extension=apcu.so ;---bcmath--- extension=bcmath.so ;---dom--- extension=dom.so ;---fileinfo--- extension=fileinfo.so ;---gd--- extension=gd.so ;---imagick--- extension=imagick.so ;---imap--- extension=imap.so ;---intl--- extension=intl.so ;---mbstring--- extension=mbstring.so ;---mysqlnd--- extension=mysqlnd.so ;---nd_mysqli--- extension=nd_mysqli.so ;---opcache--- zend_extension=/opt/alt/php80/usr/lib64/php/modules/opcache.so ;---pdo--- extension=pdo.so ;---pdo_mysql--- extension=pdo_mysql.so ;---pdo_pgsql--- extension=pdo_pgsql.so ;---pdo_sqlite--- extension=pdo_sqlite.so ;---pgsql--- extension=pgsql.so ;---phar--- extension=phar.so ;---posix--- extension=posix.so ;---soap--- extension=soap.so ;---sockets--- extension=sockets.so ;---sqlite3--- extension=sqlite3.so ;---tidy--- extension=tidy.so ;---xmlreader--- extension=xmlreader.so ;---xmlwriter--- extension=xmlwriter.so ;---xsl--- extension=xsl.so ;---zip--- extension=zip.so  
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    MAHMUT ORHAN got a reaction from SeNioR- in Sign Up & Sign in Area missing for no reason.   
    ** Found the solution
    the problem is on public html > php.ini, were using default 8.0 php.ini I removed it now functions works.
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    MAHMUT ORHAN got a reaction from SeNioR- in How to setup Rewrite URLs?   
    We found how to do it, downloaded the htaccess and uploaded it to /forum/ folder with .htaccess rename.
    Thanks a lot.
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    MAHMUT ORHAN got a reaction from Matt in Payment pending for Longer than 24 hours   
    Thanks Randy I will be waiting, I am excited to work with Invasion and its themes.
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