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Everything posted by ntxpla

  1. I am aware and that's the point. They were probably inundated with support requests coming from things they do not control , they do not want to support and yet still creates issues on their community.
  2. How big of a factor was the fact that Invision no longer wanted to deal with support related to 3rd party add-ons ? Now that you guys mostly sell the hosted solution, I am sure you want to focus your support on your community. Not of 3rd party that break your software because they are poorly written / and or not updated.
  3. This is awesome , thank you 🙂 is there a log to see which accounts were blocked from registering based on this filter or not?
  4. Hello, We have a forum where members are subscribed (via the 'follow' button). When a new thread is posted in that forum, they do not receive a email notification. If they are subscribed to that thread, they do receive the notification, as intended. Not sure what setting we are missing, everything seems to be correct. I want members to get a notification when any content is posted under that forum , including new threads what settings should I be looking for? Any suggestions? Thanks
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