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Posts posted by brandoninsc

  1. When I try to login to Admin CP, I get the following:

    An error occurred (500 Error)

    We're sorry, but a temporary technical error has occurred which means we cannot display this site right now.

    You can try again by clicking the button below, or try again later.


    Nothing I do is working to let me have access... 

  2. I get that and understand that Google makes their decisions based on some nebulous criteria... my point here is, for some reason, my forum pages seem to be a significant variable compared to any other page I create, which are almost always indexed within a day. So while the responses here seem to indicate that there is no software setting or problem causing this, I was hoping that someone else has seen this and could explain the why and the how to overcome - since the forum pages seem to be impacted as a rule, and not an exception.  I appreciate the input though. 

  3. Perhaps I'm not clear, or have a misunderstanding... but I am speaking specifically about the classification Discovered - Currently Not Indexed.  Most of my forum pages can be found there. 

    Could contain: Page, Text

    I understand if Google crawls it, and doesn't want to index it for any reason.  What I cant understand is discovered and not indexed.   Whether is is through the sitemap, or manually submitted - they are never crawled.   However, I can make a non-forum page, on pretty much the same topic with a lot of the same words - and submit it, and its crawled and indexed within 24 hours. 

    It seems very much to me that either Google has some rationale for not indexing forum pages, or there is something else preventing these pages from being indexed, and perhaps in my case - even crawling them at all.   If its thin content, I get it - but I have much thinner content submitted, crawled then indexed, quickly. 

  4. I am just now getting some traffic to my site, but it is from pages that I have created and submitted the URL to Google Search Console.  I've gone from practically no search engine presence to approximately 3,000 impressions a day in about a month. Again, all from manual submissions to the search console, but perhaps the sitemap has helped as well.  However, most of the forum pages that I check through Google Search Console, they all show up as Discovered - Currently Not Indexed or just not found.  I can submit them, but they are never indexed.  I thought it was because the content may still be thin, but I can literally create a new page with thin content, submit that URL and it will be crawled within a day. Of the 170 or so pages that Google has indexed, I have manually created the vast majority of those. 

    I've read some other comments about how Google doesn't have unlimited resources so it doesn't index everything on a sitemap, or what is submitted and I get that. I think i've heard it called a site's crawl budget, but it only seems to impact the forum (calendar and gallery) pages created by Invision, not the pages I create manually.  Just to be clear, my manual pages are pages that I write in PHP and add to the pages component of Invision. I submit those, and they are quickly indexed, whereas my forum topics have been submitted for days, weeks, months and are not indexed. 

    Is this due to Google deciding that they don't want to index my forum pages, but quickly indexing any manual page I submit, or is there something in the Invision software that prevents indexing until a certain point or length? Is there a setting or requirement that I'm missing to get these moved out of the Discovered list and onto indexed? I'd like to start driving traffic to the forum topics, but if my topics are never indexed - that seems like a big problem.  What am I missing? 


  5. I can't quite tell from the description and pictures, but where does the venue filtering actually show up?  It would be awesome if the upcoming events and/or actual calendar could be filtered by venue. 

    Is that built into this plugin?


  6. I know there is not a preconfigured block for calendar, other than upcoming events and reviews, but is there a way to create a custom block that would display one specific calendar... Lets say I have a "Page Topic" and I create a calendar, club, gallery, forum, etc for that "Page Topic". I'd like the ability to include a block with a calendar for that topic, specifically like the full calendar view. 

    Is that possible?

  7. Can a block or Advertisement be added to a database entry, like an article, by inserting it into HTML? I can insert a google adsense script into html and it works, but I would rather insert a block or reference an Ad that I've set up directly in Invision. {block="my_block_key"} or {advertisement="KEY"}.  Inserting these into the Source HTML editor does not work.  Is there a way to make this work, or is there not an easy way to do in-content ads or embeds?

    Seems, that since this is a pretty standard use case, there has to be an easier way to do it than inserting the whole google script at each location, in each article.  

    What would be even better, for a future feature, is to give the option to add advertisements to article content, not just forums. 

  8. I'm having an issue where Define Forced Bounding Box and Default Zoom Level do not change the zoom or the focus of the map. 

    Is there a known issue, or could I have something wrong on my side?

  9. Jim, downgraded to 8.1.12 and it didn't seem to make a difference. 


    I have this entered into the command field (site name was replaced by mywebsite). This is copied from the ACP

    /usr/local/php81/bin/php -d memory_limit=-1 -d max_execution_time=0 /home/customer/www/mywebsite.com/public_html/applications/core/interface/task/task.php 1ff991c445e1dfacc7963576b00129b0

  10. I have tasks running via Cron Job, as the software recommends - however, for some reason, task.php is not running properly and gives message "not at command line".  I have had my server support look at it and they tell me that the cron job is running properly, however, the task.php is not running as expected.   

    I have copied the exact command and copied it to my cron, running every minute - but I always get the same message "not at command line"

    I am running php version 8.2.0.  Any ideas?

  11. My images are cut off when I use the record image.  I've tried changing the setting in the database for the image size, but the changes do not appear to help.  I have ensured that the image is being updated at full size, but still - the bottom and top are being cropped out in the display. 

    Do images need to be pre-formatted to a certain size? or do I have another problem that I'm missing?

    Could contain: Machine

  12. When adding HTML to a custom block, the HTML does not display.  Specifically it is a twitter feed embed. 

    Is there something specific that I need to add to get something like this to display?

    <a class="twitter-timeline" href="https://twitter.com/RangerBoats?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">Tweets by RangerBoats</a> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

  13. Crawled - currently not indexed.. so I guess this means that, for whatever reason, google has decided it doesn't want to index this page with content? I have other material crawled with content that is similar in length, so the fact that google decides this one is excluded is odd.  So, you're saying this has nothing to do with how the Invision code and Invision SEO works?

  14. I have an article posted that google will not index. When I check google console, it tells me that the page is excluded.  There is nothing in my robots.txt file that would block this article (there are others that have been indexed). What would cause this?  Seems that the database items, or articles in this case, would be one of the primary things you would want indexed, right?  I could understand it taking time for google to index it, but in this case there is something excluding it.  Anyone know how to correct this?

  15. After a few hours of searching, I can't find an exact answer - but I have seen it asked several times... 

    For a custom advertisement, the help guide and posts that just quote the help guide aren't clear.  

    What should go in the custom key location if the key is  test   as an example?

    Then on a page, or block, where and in what context do I add {advertisement="test"}?  I've tried a number of things and cannot get anything to display other than that text.  Is there anyone that can provide a simple explanation?  I am not an coder, but it sounds like the guide doesn't expect us to be... I'm just not doing something right.  



  16. I am new to this software, so I am working on a steep learning curve. I have searched this topic with little success. 

    I would like to setup a store, using my amazon affiliate links instead of selling physical inventory.  I know some other e-commerce software is set up to do this, but I don't yet see an easy way, nor an add-on, that would easily do this. 

    Am I missing something, or does this feature or ability not exist?

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