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Everything posted by dutchsnowden

  1. On desktop I tried experimental features of latest Microsoft Edge but kinda don't like the result so much so did not botherd.
  2. No other browser forces the dark system theme of Android into the visited pages, but this one it is and looks fantastic.
  3. I fully agree! Funny thing is that on a Samsung Tablet S7+, using Samsung Browser the browser is actually inverting the colors and the result is AMAZING. I will post a image of that. This is default theme. Nothing changed.
  4. I have one user called "X X L" with spaces. But I cannot find it in the @ list when tagging it in messages. How do you tag such a user with spaces? What separator is the editor using for the next word? Can someone clarify? If I simply use search, I can find it: Neither I can send messages. His PM inbox is clear and working. And not disabled. Is this a bug in software?
  5. So in 4.6.9 is not possible anymore to edit the Quote to include author of the quote? In the past, with markdown was possible to do this.
  6. I was editing a bulk email. Changed text, changed filters, all went ok. Then went back to re-adjust filters and so on, and when I clicked SAVE, this error happened. Can someone help? SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(DISTINCT core_members.member_id) FROM `bb_core_members` AS `core_members` LEFT JOIN `bb_core_pfields_content` AS `core_pfields_content` ON core_members.member_id=core_pfields_content.member_id WHERE core_members.allow_admin_mails=1 AND core_members.temp_ban=0 AND core_members.email!='' AND ( ! (`members_bitoptions` & 1 ) != 0 ) AND ( member_group_id IN(15,3) OR FIND_IN_SET(15,mgroup_others) OR FIND_IN_SET(3,mgroup_others) ) AND ( v.vid IS NULL ) AND (temp_ban IS NULL OR temp_ban=0) AND GREATEST( core_members.last_activity, core_members.last_visit ) BETWEEN 1577836800 AND 1638316800 AND member_posts>10 AND core_members.name <> '' IPS\Db\Exception: Unknown column 'v.vid' in 'where clause' (1054) #0 /var/www/html/forums/system/Db/Select.php(388): IPS\_Db->preparedQuery() #1 /var/www/html/forums/system/Db/Select.php(446): IPS\Db\_Select->runQuery() #2 /var/www/html/forums/system/Db/Select.php(370): IPS\Db\_Select->rewind() #3 /var/www/html/forums/applications/core/modules/admin/bulkmail/bulkmail.php(260): IPS\Db\_Select->first() #4 /var/www/html/forums/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(90): IPS\core\modules\admin\bulkmail\_bulkmail->preview() #5 /var/www/html/forums/applications/core/modules/admin/bulkmail/bulkmail.php(45): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #6 /var/www/html/forums/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\core\modules\admin\bulkmail\_bulkmail->execute() #7 /var/www/html/forums/admin/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #8 {main} Found out what triggers it is changing from ANY to NOT VALIDATING then SAVE. If ANY is left in place, all is ok. If switch to "not validating" while it seem to SAVE the configuration, it throws above error.
  7. My snail now has the finish line in sight! Yeeey! 🤪
  8. Not as answer to last posts here, but I did already received the refund yesterday. Thanks @TAMAN and I truly appreciate your work in the marketplace and your support in my particular case.
  9. Well, my admin support page did not. I removed those tables manually. First thing I did when in Admin CP was to SOLVE EVERYTHING in there. From PHP warnings to customization and leave everything at defaults. I did not get any option to delete orig_ tables. Sorry.
  10. No, it's not a space restriction I am talking about. Most item in data store seem volatile and changed every few seconds by background tasks. They are small and do not matter, but they seem data data should not be backed up and clutter logs each time an incremental rsync is ran. That is all.
  11. I increased all my limits in PHP, and optimized MySQL for best configuration. I got 32 Gb available only for IPB.
  12. ok. I dont recall using pages. I did not touched it for so long a time.
  13. Is this URL normal in pages? ...index.html/ like it is a folder? Everything seem to work, just odd a filename as a folder.
  14. I barely upgraded to 4.6.9, so I am making plans as I go.
  15. @Randy Calvert oh by the way, it might not be necessary. The backup on external server has automated snapshots immediately after rsync. And those are versioned. So it might not be needed for me.
  16. no doubt, that's why I said, maybe we can get ideas from those, not use them as they are. Ok, seems a legitimate case you're preparing for, but for such cases I do have my local machine copy which I do manually when I wake up. @Randy Calvert but I get your point. It would be best to cycle between two versions for such case.
  17. Why I would need separate versions? Can you explain? I do keep all SQL backups, but the uploads and attachments, not sure why I would need versioning for that. Probably I am missing something here.
  18. Rsyncs are just copies of the files. No versioning. Live copies of original files in www folder. LOL. Mine is half that. 250,000 posts and 25 GB of files. and I still feel the same, that I spent way too much time on it. exactly what I am trying to achieve. Not there yet. Maybe you can post some of your script so we "steal" your ideas.
  19. The local one on RAID is for quick trouble in case it will ever be needed.
  20. Basically I do the same rsync command locally into a raid HDD before running it to remote backup server. So I have 3 copies of SQL and www folders. Locally on RAID, remotely on backup server, and on my local machine.
  21. Well, I thought of this, but I would like all friendly URLs to remain as they were. Moreover this exact solution I am looking for now was working on old 3.1.4 forums. I had an index.php from Invision in root folder that I assume was redirecting to /forums/ but cannot understand how to replicate it now.
  22. I cannot use gzip. It is way to big to be reliable. I rather use rsync over ssh with --archive --update --compress flags and incrementally copy whatever is changed to the backup server. from there I copy daily to my local machine the backups. I can run such a rsync command every few minutes and minimize traffic to backup server. And I am sure I have duplicated all files, then same procedure to my local machine, once a day.
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