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Posts posted by Buttercup

  1. 3 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    I have just seen your email there. It was under a different email address. Please note, this was sent only an hour ago. 

    As I mentioned above, you need to ensure the redirect is not in place while you reset this. I have gone ahead and reset on this occasion for you. 

    I know, I have no patience. Thanks for resetting it for me 🙂 

  2. 3 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    You would need to remove the redirect you have in place from your old URL to the new URL, then click to change URL in your client area. At present you are not licensed for the URL you are using as you haven't reset it.

    I cant see any mail from you on the email on file by the way. Ensure you are using the contact form at the bottom of the page, and select accounts for any account-related queries.

    We tried to reset the URL but we get that message and yeah I did use the contact form.

  3. Hi I emailed your department but not heard back yet.


    I am getting the following error

    License Key Invalid

    The license key in use is not valid for this site. Please contact support for further information.




  4. Hi,

    I have an Invision Community Suite license and I was confused about one thing -- my friend renewed her license a while back and received everything, Pages, and such, whereas I only have the Forums.  Is there a difference between our two licenses, because she says she only paid the same renewal fee to move up to the newest version.  Is it possible to find out why this happened, or why I didn't receive the same access that she did? 

    Thanks for your time!


  5. Just now, Marc Stridgen said:

    Are you all on the site testing this as you are online? If so, you would get the notification while you are on the site and wouldnt get the email

    I am now yes. but through the night I wasn't online and I had a PM but had no email.

  6. Just now, Marc Stridgen said:

    Please provide me with an example user, and example item you believe you should have received notification from. We can then take a look for you

    I only have 4 members altogether including myself. When we have PM'd each other I don't get any email to say that I have received a PM. when I originally made this post Jim said it is because I had push notifications and emails on so I would receive the push notification than an email. I turned the push notifications off and I was receiving emails but now I am not receiving them again.

  7. 49 minutes ago, Jim M said:

    Thank you, I was able to login now. Looking at your profile, you have Push notifications active for receiving message notifications. With that active, the push notification would win, and you would not receive an email. You would need to disable push notification if you want only emails.

    Thank you. It seems this was indeed the issue. 


    Thanks again with this, much appreciated 🙂 

  8. 11 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    Yes. As previously mentioned, you have added a display name into the login details on file. Your site uses email to log in, so we dont have the details for this

    Ok should be fixed now 🙂

  9. 5 hours ago, Jim M said:

    We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. 

    We look forward to further assisting you. 


    Updated my details 🙂 

  10. 8 minutes ago, Jim M said:

    Unfortunately, we cannot comment what is happening after our software hands it off to your email provider, but I can confirm that your notification settings are set correctly. Could you please let us know your display name or ID?

    Catsmother is my username 🙂 

  11. I have enabled for myself to receive an email when I receive a PM on my forum but I don't seem to be getting any. I have checked my junk but nothing there. I asked one of my admins if she gets them and she said yes. 

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