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Owlsonline Admin

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Posts posted by Owlsonline Admin

  1. 4 minutes ago, Allen Bradford said:

    Mine went down on Safari iPhone yesterday but stayed stable on Safari iPad until this morning when it struck a server error and went dead white with that default URL.

    I can currently access my Board in Firefox browser on devices but I suspect its only a matter of time. 

    I hope mine doesn't go down on laptop. Especially on a bloody matchday!

    6 minutes ago, David N. said:

    Same issue here right now. Trying to access my site from Firefox on my iPhone redirects to mysite.com/admin/install which yields a blank page. 

    similar address for me on my site on Safari on iPhone

  2. 19 minutes ago, Allen Bradford said:

    See Topic “Site Offline” Topic. My Board experienced intermittent slow downs the last couple days and is now dead on my main Safari Browser on my devices. There is no indication of this issue on the Status Page. 

    Same for me on mine, and I'm getting messages from site users to say the same. It's weird, I can access on my macbook via safari and chrome, but on my iphone it's not having it at all, the page stays blank. This is the case as of postiing this post.

  3. Just wondered if there's an issue with the current version of Safari and the sites? 

    On my site, from time to time, on Safari on my Macbook the page locks up and then I get a message about the page taking too long to load and I have to reload the page. It happens mainly when I put up any pics. It's not a major issue, just a niggle. Wondered if it's just my end or it's something that has been happening to others?

  4. On 6/22/2023 at 8:14 PM, Matt said:

    Unlike the final score at Hillsborough on a certain Thursday night in May, as a Posh fan. 😅

    Could contain: Person, Football, Sport, Soccer, Helmet

    Hi Matt.... I was there, At the bottom of the 'C' in the stand opposite... 🤣

  5. 7 minutes ago, Randy Calvert said:

    It's happening across the board.  It's targeting all sorts of sites.  Not just IPB, but anything online where users can submit content.  

    Annoying! But in a weird way, glad it's not just us!

  6. I've had 30 "people" register on our site today, it seems the IP and hCaptcha change is catching the majority but I've never seen an influx of spammers like this before at all!

  7. 14 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    Have you increased the sensitivity in hCaptchas site itself? Also, do you have questions and answers in place? Unfortunately spam has indeed been somewhat of an issue lately

    The IP ban on the 'people' who are trying to spam is currently doing a good job. It's banned about 15 others since I posted. But I'll look at hCapta settings too

    Thanks Marc, as always. Top stuff.


  8. I'm having a nightmare / brain fade! I've just changed on my mobile to desktop view of my site. And I can't change it back. Must be the sun here in the UK getting to me.

    Can someone remind me how I change it back?

    This is my personal view of the site, not everyone's.

  9. I'm having a few of our site members getting in touch with me, saying they can't see embedded tweets on their phones. However... I can!

    I've tried our dynamic dark mode, and the default mode and this is what some are seeing


    Could contain: Page, Text, Poster, Advertisement

    The thread / post is: https://www.owlsonline.com/topic/718-202223-wednesday-transfer-thread/page/32/#comment-28251

    But I can see it fine..... One of the members having issues has cleared his cache on his phone too to check. We're both using iphones

    Can anyone help/advise?



  10. On laptop/desktop there's the option to strikethrough text on the forum, is there a way of adding the button to the text box on mobile? Or is there another way of using it? On previous sites I've just used <s> </s> either side of the text as a workaround

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