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Sylvain Delbroeuve

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  1. I ended up managing to do the upgrade by deleting the Link and Videobox folders directly in the application folder via ftp. Once the upgrade was over I put them back then updated and everything works 😉
  2. Here is the Link file and line 316 of the reported Fatal error I'm sorry this is too complex for my level Link.php
  3. Hi, I didn't want to duplicate Inan's error just below which doesn't seem to have the same reasons When I launch the update, everything is ok, I click on start and from the 1% I have a blank page under FireFox which gives me a 500 error on Chrome here is the error link: https://jarditoc.com/admin/upgrade/?controller=upgrade&key=118de59a340fad8f0f677255c96c4401&mr=0&mr_error=1 the log files are in PJ if it can help the update started from version and the PHP was put in 8 beforehand I don't know what's going on, it's so rare to have errors. everything is written with Google Translate, I hope it's clear enough for you 😇 error_log (in the admin folder) error_log in the upgrade folder)
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