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Carl Zeiss GOM Metrology

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Posts posted by Carl Zeiss GOM Metrology

  1. Every user who registers for our Invision instance receives a "Your registration is complete" email. We would like to disable the mail, as we have an external user management that already sends a welcome mail. The user will now receive two mails.

    I could not find an option in the IPS Notifications Settings. 
    Does anyone from the community know a way to deactivate the mail for all new registrations?

  2. Since we have updated our Invision Community to 4.6.3 there is a new there is new Link in the author field to all comments of an existing user.
    When we hover over this we could see the profile name. Would it be possible to hide this link in the next version of this plugin? That would be great!


  3. Thank you! The way you describe works partially. The login method can be reactivated via the changed database entry, but the GUI customizations are not changed. The login mask for local users is not automatically shown again. This happens only after the method has been deactivated and reactivated via the GUI.


    Do further changes have to be made in the database for this?

  4. Dear Invision Community,

    Due to our external identity management, we are using an "Other OAuth 2.0" Method as an identity provider.
    So far everything is fine. Now we would like to map custom parameters from our identity management to custom fields in Invision Community.
    For example:
    Name of field: "Country"
    Input: "Germany" or "United Kingdom"

    This filed should be updated every time a user sign in.
    Is it possible to get this implement? Is there a documented way or is it a customization?

    Thank you!

  5. We noticed a few more places where the username is still displayed in plain text.

    The username is transmitted via the photo description in Templates 'userPhoto' and 'userPhotoFromData' as well as in the Moderator and NewMember Bade (below Profile Photo).

    Further on it is shown in 'application/ld+json'. However I am not sure it plugin is able to hide it there, hence it would be great.

    It would be happy if you could have a look at the points and maybe update the plugin.


  6. I had a look for this again.
    I am able to send the request 1:1 from our invision main site "forum.contoso.com", but not from external site "login.contoso.com". Althought I allowed my Apache reverse proxy to handle this URL with CORS.

    Is there a need to add the URL to invision too for sending REST requests?

  7. On 9/4/2020 at 3:53 PM, bfarber said:

    You also need the correct csrfKey value to be included in the request. If you are using javascript for this, you can obtain this value from ips.getSetting('csrfKey');



    thank you for your response. I set the csfrKey now like the ref key. But I still got the 403 response with Error code: 2S119/1.
    I read both keys from the URL of AuthorizePage1 and use them to create the request to the Invision login Endpoint. My request looks like:

    POST parameters:
    Request header:
    POST /index.php?/login/ HTTP/1.1
    Host: contoso.com
    User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0
    Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8
    Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
    Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
    Content-Length: 175
    Origin: https://other.saml.login.com
    Connection: keep-alive
    Referer: https://contose.com/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?resource=https://contoso.user.com&response_type=code&client_id=xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx&redirect_uri=https://contoso.com/oauth/callback/&state=3-aHR0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxaW4v-42xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxdb-aHR0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxMQ==&code_challenge=H9xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxUU&code_challenge_method=S256&scope=userlala			
    Pragma: no-cache
    Cache-Control: no-cache

    I saw, that login will have the same csfrKey and ref are equal when using different login methods on same time. So I just tried to use the same values to connect to #2 method, like I got from system to login request to #3 method.


  8. Hi folks,

    I have two different oAuth2 identity providers connected to my invision forum. Both of them working great.
    Now, I have the order to link their sign ins vice versa on their sign in pages. But I have no idea how to trigger sign on for oauth2 login with http/javascript. I already tried to start some HTTP POST to url/index.php?/login/ with the correct processLogin ID, but I just get a 403 forbidden. Although I set CORS enabled for that domain on apache webserver.

    Two oauth2 sources. Both linked in sign in / sign up windows in invision community. Both of them forwarding to external login sites. Now there should be link to other site (in case of clicking wrong button first). It is absolutely desired that this links are directly on the other sign in pages.

    Some idea how to do this?



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