Upgrade and app question
You can always make a backup of its data, database and files alike.
Can't log to ACP. Your IP address does not match this session.
Can you check your server error log if there are any recent messages logged in there pertaining to this?
Welcome to Invision Community 5
Looking very chic 😊
One member reporting having to sign in again every time they re-open their browser?
If it happens to a member only then the issue must be local imo. was there any modification or change done to the forum prior to that happening btw?
2.4 Upgrade
In what way aren't you able to login? Are you getting any errors? If so, what errors are you getting? Is the login the only issue that you are having? What about your php version, what is set to? The more details you give us the better.
Test site
If you want to install a newly fresh v5 Beta 11 you can do a straight forward install. The Installing section of the following guide has all the necessary info on the subject.
Upgrade Path from 4.7.6 to 5.0.0
Your license allows for a test installation. Imo the best way to go about such a large upgrade is first to duplicate your main forum to your test forum and then proceed with upgrading the test forum first. Doing that will allow you to see what to expect from the upgrade when you are ready to upgrade your main forum. This way you won't be in for any surprises that the upgrade process might throw at you.
Can't do reactions: I get a warning I don't have permission
Glad to see that the issue has been solved and thank you for the update with the solution.
Can't log to ACP. Your IP address does not match this session.
If it first worked fine as per your previous post above and the issue started again, it looks your IP is changing while you are in session, which is causing the issue. Have a look at the ACP IP Checks section in the following guide. On a side note, id your ISP using IPV6? Are you using CloudFlare or some reverse proxy?
Issues after server migration
Also glad to see that you got the issue solved and thank you for posting the solution as it will help other users who might run into the same issue.
What do you mean by data? If you meant attachments, then yes that is possible.
Where the videos?
A word of advice, if I may, for future reference it would be best to provide as many details as possible when asking for support rather than being vague. The Ips Support Team are very good, but they can't read minds 😅
Changing the database engine
Imo it's always best to make a backup of the database first before any kind of work is done with it. Migrating from MariaDB to MySQL it will involve several critical steps to ensure data integrity and minimal downtime. The most important thing imo is to check for compatibility issues such as differences in SQL modes, indexing, syntax variations to just name a few. Then you will have to Install MySQL and configure it to make sure that the MySQL version you choose is compatible with the features used in MariaDB and meets your performance and scalability requirements for your Ipb forum. Then you will have to export the data from MariaDB and import it to MySQL. .
upgrade stuck during the beginning of process
That error indicates that the server is returning HTML instead of JSON. Can you check the response headers and status code of the server's response to see if there's any error being returned? The backup file, how was generated and how did you try to restore it? Can you give us some details on that?
Can't do reactions: I get a warning I don't have permission
Glad to see that the cause of the error has been identified. As mentioned above by @Jim M you will have to contact the author of the aforementioned app for further assistence.