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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by hayleyflynnbcf@gmail.com

  1. Our version of the forum was very out of date and previous attempts to update had just caused more issues. Terabyte was incredibly reassuring, clearly very knowledgeable and kept me updated every step of the way while our big update was in progress. I could not be happier; I wish I knew Terabyte years ago and I'm excited to keep working with them in the future!
  2. OH!! I'm an idiot, sorry, that makes so much sense 😅. Thank you for taking the time to explain!
  3. I'm really sorry for being a pain but this is the part I don't quite get. Where do I just enter the ISBN? I can create categories (and subcategories by clicking the +) then go over to the forum and add whatever I want to the shelf by giving all of it's information under 'submit a book', but it's supposed to be pulling that information from Google books automatically, right?
  4. Ah! Right, sorry. As entering book data into the search (title, name etc.) didn't do anything I thought it must be asking for the ISBN. I've clearly set something up wrong here (and please excuse the stupid questions, it's the first time I've used a marketplace app!) - where/how should I be adding books into the app?
  5. It's more as though it doesn't recognise that I've entered an ISBN at all. This is what happens: Then, after pressing 'add book': So I can't actually add anything to the shelf.
  6. Hi, we just got this (absolutely love the idea for our book-themed forum!) and I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong but every time I enter an ISBN I just get a 'this field is required' error. Any ideas? Thanks!
  7. Thank you, I'm not sure how I missed that before! We're not quite that bad, we're on 4.2.9 😅
  8. I hope this isn't a really silly question but we're planning to hire someone to update our site to the latest version of Invision (after coming across a lot of issues the last time we tried to do it) but I only really know how to update via the admin control panel. What would be the best/ most secure way of having someone else implement our update?
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