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Katherine Grace Bond

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Posts posted by Katherine Grace Bond

  1. Here's what I have been trying to do for months:

    Set up a product (a class, for example) with a monthly or quarterly payment plan that automatically invoices and charges the customer. 

    This is not a subscription. It's a payment plan, so I don't want my customers charged after they have paid off their product. 

    I have recurring payments set up with some of my products, but I have found no way to set an end-date, which effectively makes them subscriptions. 

    Is there any chance that an end-date will become a feature? Does anyone know a workaround? Right now, I am looking at using my Acuity scheduling app, which can not only schedule my clients for classes, but invoice them, charge them, and set up payment plans with end dates. Sounds great, but my whole community is over here on Invision and my products are all set up in the store. I'm currently entering students manually into my Acuity schedule so they'll get Zoom reminders, but that's not going to scale. 

    Grateful for any ideas.

  2. Do you know if they have any plan to implement such a thing? I have not actually set these up as subscriptions, and you're right, that is the way a subscription works. I jumped on this thread because it was dealing with expiration dates, so I'm probably comparing apples and oranges (though I do think having an end-date option to a subscription would be useful.) I assumed there would be a way to do payment plans when I implemented the platform, and now I'm pretty invested. 

  3. I don't understand the logic behind this. Do you know? I'm trying to set up products with a monthly payment plan. Once they've paid for the product, I want it to stop invoicing/charging them automatically. Otherwise I have to figure out a way to stop that for every single customer. We've been frustrated enough that we are looking for another platform. 


    And thank you for responding so quickly!


  4. I have done this, but there is no way to determine how many times it cycles. If I set my customer up for a monthly payment, it will invoice them indefinitely unless I manually go in and do something to it. How can we set up an expiration date after a certain number of payments? 

  5. I think we are having the same problem with our product setup. We can set up recurring payments, but evidently, they recur forever unless we go into each individual customer's purchase and set an expiration date. We would like very much to build into the product a set number of payments. (Field: How many payments) We've been told this is not possible. I'm not sure why. 

    As our customer base increases, we are seriously considering other platform options, as it would be too easy to miss manually adding expiry dates for each customer. Charging the customer after the agreed-upon time is enough of a trust issue that we would soon begin losing return customers. 

    Is this fixable? 

  6. I am preparing to launch my store today, which contains a program that can be paid for all at once or quarterly or monthly. For that, I have five different products, differing by payment plan. I set these up on recurring payments, but then it occurred to me that there is no "end date" on these payments. Customers sign up for three payments or nine payments, but the payments will keep cycling automatically unless I manually stop them on my end. If I mess up on that, it doesn't do much for customer confidence. 

    That’s a pretty big issue for me. I want this to be as automatic as possible, so I don’t have to manage each individual payment plan manually, but I’m afraid that presenting the customer with multiple steps creates a lot of frustration for them. (And also more set-up for me.)

    Any chance of “expiration dates” getting written into the code in the near future?


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