Custom Registration / Subscription page?
Surprised that this isn't a bigger topic. No doubt delivering on a great experience for members is important, but I'm sure all of us would love to grow our communities as well.
superaven started following How to add (expanded) to forum descriptions? , Custom Registration / Subscription page? , Custom menu on mobile? and 1 other
Custom Registration / Subscription page?
Hey Everyone, I'm absolutely new to Pages but also unsure I can build what I have in mind... I know there is a dedicated registration page (forum-url.com/registration), but unless I've totally missed something, I do not believe there is a method to register and subscribe in one? Seems like an oversize to now allow new users to simply sign up into a premium account for example (assuming "premium" being a subscription that's configured). My idea is to create a more robust conversion page for registrations. A sort of landing page where we describe our community and the benefits of joining. It would act as both a funnel for new registrations, but also allow a person to to choose a subscription level as they register. In our case, I created a monthly premium, as well as an annual premium, so along with just basic registration it would be three options. I've attached a screen grab below of something I had built in Wordpress, but after building it, I realized that I don't believe I can have a person register and subscribe at the same time. Anyhow, wondering if anyone has any advice on this? Thank you!
New editor not functioning for some users.
Mobile Safari on iOS 16.1.1 No plugins.
Custom menu on mobile?
Thank you @Jim M , but unsure if I'm understanding or perhaps communicating the question effectively. Note the attached image... Is it possible to adjust what is highlighted? Side note, I don't see the refresh shown in other screen grabs. Assume its because I'm accessing as a PWA? Pretty slick if so, since you can't pull to refresh like you can in a browser. Anyhow, I was looking to swap out "unread content" for an "index" button. If this isn't possible, can I at least change the label to "Unread" so its not truncated?
Custom menu on mobile?
Wondering if its possible to customize the main menu on mobile? I see menu manager, but it appears to be universal. My hope was to adjust the main menu on mobile (currently configured in the footer) with certain options that I think would make it more useful on mobile. Is this possible? Thanks!
New editor not functioning for some users.
Thanks @LemonGrenade I gave it a quick skim but didnt see those threads. Hopefully there's a fix identified soon.
New editor not functioning for some users.
Hello, we completed the upgrade to v5 yesterday and I have two very regular users that are mentioning that the new editor isn't working for them. It's showing a circle graphic, which I assume is a loading graphic of some sort, but no ability to type within the text editor. I have also had a couple users mention that they can't see the submit button when uploading an image, unless they type something into the text field. Unsure if that's expected behavior or if there's a configuration option but we would like to allow image posts without the need to type out text. Any suggestions?
How to add (expanded) to forum descriptions?
Doh, I shoulda known that. Perfect, thanks! To the developers... Would be cool if you could collapse that section.
How to add (expanded) to forum descriptions?
Hello, Not entirely sure what the right term is for what I'm describing, so posting an image below. I'm looking for what the method is to add the additional text below the forum description. I only want this text to show within the forum itself and not on the index listing. Also, I'm on v5. Thank you for the help. On a related note, would be awesome if this area was collapsible as well.
Invision Community v5: An update, and next steps
This makes sense to me, appreciate you explaining that. That being said, I assume a public beta is essentially a final round that may or may night include documentation and likely has some undiscovered bugs that get revealed from a wider and more diverse testing environment. That being said, possible to share your opinion on when we might see a public beta? I understand that it'll likely be made available to Cloud customers first and that it'll be an individual choice as to whether those that opt in, chose to implement on a production install. Documentation is nice, as is being as stable as possible, but hoping to get my foot through that proverbial door as soon as possible. Another nod of appreciation of the hard work that goes into all this.
Invision Community v5: An update, and next steps
I suppose I can probably rig this to work. The idea is to have two premium accounts. One that its a modest monthly subscription and the other essentially being the same thing, but billed annually at once. Those that sign up for the annual version would then receive a custom community t-shirt. I suppose it's likely a matter of a custom field to gather shipping details or if that's not possible to add some language into the transactional email with instructions. Would be a lot easier if it was all integrated as it used to be, but I'll make do. Anyhow, I wanted to voice my opinion so you guys were aware of the interest. Shopify is a great solution to a quick, full featured shop, but it's also quite expensive. I already have a Shopify shop, but am currently researching / testing Woocommerce since have the features I want are paid plugins for Shopify that also seem to be developed for WC. I suppose at the end of the day, the $105 or so I pay monthly for Shopify is inconsequential in the grand scheme of things, but every little bit helps in this particular situation, a full website with content is almost as important to me as the transactional e-com side of it. Seems to me that, WC is a better solution to that end, but neither are tied into Invision or our community, so it's still a sort of hacked together solution that I can see being prone to mistakes as we copy / paste customer info back and forth. At least there's some solid looking solutions for the help desk feature when it comes to WordPress, though they seem to cost almost as much as most of the dedicated platforms out there.
Invision Community v5: An update, and next steps
Sorry... guess I was confused since I was really interested in the physical product and help desk side, both of which were removed. Really wish, they'd bring both those back. Subscriptions is great and obviously ad sales is a no brainer, but I have no use for digital products personally.
Invision Community v5: An update, and next steps
Have to say I was super bummed when you guys decided to get rid of the commerce plugin. Stating that in case anyone on your side is second guessing that decision, but yeah. Though there was a major flaw with the help desk (unable to mass select replies beyond single pages, so getting rid of 20k+ spam messages was a nightmare), I did greatly appreciate the help desk feature since it avoided me having to stay on top of an entirely separate platform. Further, I'd been planning to sort of create a strike out version of my online store. Basically a plus to put clearance items and small batch inventory that I felt just sort of cluttered our main online store. Lastly, I was also planning to do a physical product (t-shirt and sticker pack) that was exclusive to our forum as a way to support. So in addition to having a sort of VIP section and subscription to go with it, the idea was to sell an exclusive tee that when purchased, kicked off a subscription. Anyhow, would love to see you guys bring that back, but I think I get why it was phased out. That said, I've largely phased out all plugins already, so that's good. The couple that are left are more for aesthetics than function and not a big deal. I am running a custom theme, but from what I've seen of the new theme and editor, I'm excited to drop that as well. Cool, looking forward to it. I'm on Invision Cloud, so fortunately, not much I need to do as far as technical requirements. 😃
Invision Community v5: An update, and next steps
Appreciate the reply, thank you. Other than follow along and engage on the forum, are there any suggestions on what to we could do to potentially ready ourselves? Unsure if there’s ever been a sort of hit list developed both pre upgrade and post upgrade, which might be a good idea if not already done. Suppose it’s a good time to think about content structure and organization, but anything else you might suggest as far as front running some stuff to help community owners get prepared as we wait?
Invision Community v5: An update, and next steps
Great question and great answer on the last two posts. Just curious since I can't keep from holding my breath and speculating further... @Matt what is the standard timeline once things hit Beta? I know it likely is no accurate indication of the timeline on this particular project, but in the past, on full point releases... How long and complicated is the Beta segment of the development cycle on average? Would you mind explaining / outlining what that process is like for you guys?