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Justin Stellman

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Everything posted by Justin Stellman

  1. @Fosterssorry for the confusion. Just wanted to let you know I purchased the Unanswered topics plugin and it works great. Thank you! My last question about this is do I install both .tar files in the member admin? I have fosters_bookmark_1.6.1.tar and bookmark.tar Or do I install them both? Not sure. Thank you!
  2. Thanks @Fosters I just installed it but don't know where this is in the admin area?
  3. Thanks @Fosters for your quick reply. I will now order the unanswered topics plugin. I didn't know about the apps area but now I do. I will install it now. Is it a one time purchase or are there regular charges like the Bookmarks one I bought?
  4. Thanks @Fosters for your reply. I'm used to installing Wordpress plugins. I downloaded two .tar files but now what? Upload them via FTP (to what folder?) not sure. Thanks!
  5. @Fosters I'm very much interested in this. A couple questions... 1. I have version 4.4.10 will this work? 2. I don't want this to show to our current members. I want it for admin use only so I can reply to posts which have no replies. I'm assuming this is possible? 3. If I install it are there instructions?
  6. My question is....You say this The problem as you can see from my screenshot I don't have the Pages template so I cannot install your bookmark template. 😞 Ya it's weird. According to the instructions on this page, that's the only step. Am I wrong? I purchased the bookmark plugin and don't know how to install it because you have to install some code on the pages template. Unless there are other steps somewhere else I'm not seeing. It's not very clear to me.
  7. Thanks! @Fosters Do you know what might be going on from my screenshot below? Thanks!
  8. Here's a screenshot of my sidebar. http://prntscr.com/uaj15p I don't have a pages template on the left. How can I install this?
  9. Using the "My Activity Streams" option there's an option to "Create New Stream"... There should be an option to locate all the threads that have zero replies. Then you can reply to all threads that have none and improve engagement. I asked support about it but they said that they used to have this option but pulled it for some reason. I looked in the Marketplace but couldn't find a solution. Does anybody know if there is one?
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