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  1. Which class is that/where should I check? Just want to make sure I look in the right area on my end.
  2. Any word on this? Still can't figure it out. 😞
  3. Yeah I don't know why it's upset - I disabled most add-ons and went back to default theme, same thing.
  4. Getting the following error when installing on 4.4.9:
  5. Just bought this, and my only issue seems to be how trophies are automatically awarded. Is it possible to have them awarded/seen without the member logging out/in? I'd like members to be notified if they get it without that step, and have it appear on their profile. When a moderator assigns a metal it appears automatically, I figured the same would apply for trophies after a background task is ran.
  6. Would it be possible to maybe add a feature that allows you to invite certain groups by default? Like as a moderator or admin, bulk invite all members or at least generate a notification that the event exists and to check it out?
  7. Thanks - it looks blue to me, but also I'm probably just seeing things based on the background/white icon contrast. ?
  8. This might be a silly question, but what do I set to change the glow on these icons? Latest update made them blue instead of red, and I can't figure out where to change it for the life of me.
  9. I have things locked down to where if you post in that forum category as a member the default prefix for that category is automatically applied for a normal forum post and that's been working well. I've noticed when I've set a category in Pages to also post the article to a forum when the article itself is created, the prefix won't appear on the topic. It's like Pages is bypassing that/this application and no amount of configuration on the Pages category itself (Tage & Prefixes) tab yields any different result. I'm on 4.3.1 if that helps.
  10. When I update the theme with your fix in that file I might forget it's in custom.css. So, no harm in putting it in ta_base.css, as it will be removed automatically upon next update.
  11. Throw this in the top of your ta_base.css file in the meantime to make it easier to look at: .cGalleryChooseAlbum_listItem { background:#1E1F20; }
  12. Do you think this would be possible to do to the gallery as well? Being able to view club albums that the user has access to can appear in the general gallery section would be quite helpful. Love this plugin by the way!
  13. I'm experiencing the same thing. Profile sync does nada with the existing Location field for members. I'm on the latest versions of IPB + Member Map. Fresh install of the plugin and everything just to rule that out and nada. If I run the task manually it works however.
  14. It seems that auto promotions broke on 4.2.5. Before the upgrade no issues, but sadly anyone who has donated since has not been promoted. Any ideas or things I can provide to help pinpoint?
  15. Question: Would it be possible to intercept a member requesting access to a club and prompt for a request reason? IE: I want to join this club because blah blah blah.... and that reason would be displayed for the moderator of the club for approval. Maybe some basic field customization.
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