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Felix Thant

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  1. That will be very helpful if you can send me the custom.css lines to add
  2. Hi Taman, thanks one question in regards, the function for the slider to be full wide has been removed? As I cannot see it into the 4.2 theme thanks Also seen that you have a package for copyright that include all your themes, but if I want one for one theme? How is gonna work? Thansk
  3. Hi, just purchased , and in 4.2 beta6 i got this error when tray to edit member group ErrorException: Argument 1 passed to IPS\classifieds\extensions\core\ContentRouter\_Classifieds::__construct() must be an instance of IPS\Member, instance of IPS\Member\Group given, called in /var/www/vhosts
  4. Hi, Ive just purchased this theme, very powerful but i cannot see the news ticker into the theme customisation Could you help me please. Thanks p.s I am using 4.2 beta
  5. I know that they are 2 different plugins, i was just trying to see if it works, as when you set up a new profil filed you have the option " Show on registration page that's way i have tried to find out if i do something wrong or it doesn't work
  6. hi just wondering to know how to set up this plugin, on new registration? i have also the Profile Field Per User Group plugin, where actually i have created different groups with different fields on registration, but when i try to register as a new user and i choose the group that i like the profile fields taht has been created for that group it doesn't show any help?
  7. All sorted thanks for quick replay.
  8. Hi just purchased your plugin and looks like it works perfectly with IPS default theme but is doesn't showing in another theme installed which is Subway from ips focus http://ipsfocus.net/4x/ Can you help me please thanks
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