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  1. Hi Taman, Ive been using this theme for years and love it, have a problem tho. Ive renewed the sub I havent updated the theme in about 2 years, but i updated IPB regularly. I tried to update the theme through market place but it says that it is up to date as you can see below in the screeny When I go to my themes, you can see below I renamed it to "Think 2.0(InProgress)" and it clearly says my current Dreadnought version is v2.2.3 which is not "up to date" and Im trying to update it to the latest one made for IPB4.6 which is v2.3.3 How can i fix this? Im starting to have major theme issues with all the new plugins im starting to use.
  2. Understood TAMAN. Love your products and service man. Very professional!
  3. that worked!!! Tysm. BTW, this may be a noob question, but are modded templates identified by the little "x" as seen circled below? Ive done so much its hard to remember what ive modded and what i havent lol
  4. @TAMAN I tried searching for this but im getting this error "Template core/global/global/includeJS is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme." Some things to note: Ive updated to the latest version of IPB 4.3 Im using the latest update of dreadnought 2.1.9 I manually deleted the lines of code you said to in your readme ta_base and ta_swiperslider Here are some pics of where the error is located: any ideas on a quick fix for this? I love this theme its been awesome.
  5. @Mike John Is this compatible with 4.3?
  6. @Mike John YEs I do! Id love to know how to do this!
  7. @Mike John Currently when someone fills out a form, a message about their form activity is posted in the profile area of that user. For example "(member name) posted form log in (name of form)." Is there a way to prevent that message from being posted in the members activity feed? There is a form on my community that I would not like other community members to know when someone has filled the form out.
  8. Thanks for answering my PM @TAMAN
  9. @InvisionHQ Hey I have some suggestions for your app (Which I use EXTENSIVELY! Thank you so much for making this). I'm using 4.2 atm. Award Search: As my community has 200+ awards it would be nice to have a search for them. Is there a way to search through them and their descriptions at the moment? Subcategories: Whenever I try to put a category within a category it doesn't work. Am I doing something wrong or is this not a feature yet? Award Order Preference: Allow users to choose what awards show up first on their list. If these are already implemented and I don't know how to use them please give me some pointers, as I am a novice with IPB. But I think these would be great! Thanks again for a great product!
  10. I figured it out. Didn't know I needed to install rules and import the rule within the rules app. /salute
  11. @-RAW- I love this app but im getting a 3C145/3 error when I try to install your issue-award-based-on-content-count expansion pack.xml file through the plugin installation. Am I doing something wrong?
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