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Everything posted by SC36DC

  1. Sure can do that. Actually within the category such as "T-Shirt" I may have various types of t-shirts, which each would require their own size chart. If there was a way to create a Size Guide block on the back end, then on the front end when the words/icon/image for Size Guide is clicked, it could open up in a modal/popup window over the page, this would be great. Is this even possible? Not sure, just asking/checking. Thanks Adrian.
  2. No worries sir. I actually had changed my mind about switching the tabs.
  3. I tried installing the file, and I changed the 2 locations on the file, as @Nigel Moore stated in his comment from "linksTabs" to "commentReviewTabs", but it did not seem to change. Is there an update for this? @Adriano Faria
  4. I took advantage of the Black Friday sale and purchased this yesterday. I just installed and added my first product. So far, so good. I just have a couple questions and/or requests. 1. The first product I added has 4 shirt color options, and 7 shirt size options. When I click on size 2XL for example, the price changes instantly to reflect the price I have set for the 2XL size. When I click a different color, the main image does not change to reflect the color chosen, as it does on my WooCommerce site. Is it possible to add this feature? So if someone chooses the color "Red", it would show the image of the "Red" shirt? 2. If the above can not be added to work this way, then is it possible to add the option to be able to add the color for each image variation. Maybe a tooltip, so when someone hovers over a different thumbnail image, it can show the tooltip. Maybe add the ability for use to add a tooltip for each image in the backend? If someone clicks the main image and it opens full size, then it shows the tooltip text at the bottom center of the image. 3. The thumbnail carousel under the main product image, is it possible to just show the images once each, and not repeat them? 4. Is there anyway you can a have a link to a Size Guide and have it show on each product? In the backend we can create size guides and apply them to categories, such as T-Shirt, Tank Top, Raglan, etc. Thanks again for making this application, it is much appreciated!!
  5. It is GREAT to hear from you again sir. I'm just happy to know things are ok. I look forward to hearing back from you soon. Thanks for at least posting and giving us all an update.
  6. PIN TOPICS. Any other users of Members Shop use this feature? If so, do you provide instructions on how to properly use it? Do you not use it because the process is not intuitive and is confusing? For further explanation, when you purchase 'Pin Topic' you have the normal option of Buy & Use or Buy & Store. If you select Buy & Use (which I'm sure most members would instinctively choose), at the bottom of the page you see the message "Processing", and it just keeps spinning forever, until you reload the page. The only way to PROPERLY use it, is to select Buy & Store, then simply go to a thread you want to pin, and you will see the option 'Pin this Topic', which you can do, and it does work. If you go to 'My Items', you see the options of 'Redeem', 'Sell Back' and 'Send To'. If you click 'Redeem', it will also say "Processing" and will just spin forever. The Jackal mentioned to me, that he was going to update this feature so a pop up with a list of the users topics would show so they could just pin a topic from there. This would be incredible if made to work this way. For now, until the Pin Topic feature can be updated, does anyone know how to NOT SHOW 'Buy & Use' on the Pin Topic item, and also NOT SHOW 'Redeem' on the 'Pin Topic' item on the 'My Items' page? This would be incredibly helpful.
  7. I've also PM'd him a while ago, no reply. I do hope all is OK. If he's just busy working on updates, then I'd suggest for him to take at least 1 hour on a scheduled day, even set a timer, and reply to as many people as possible, regarding questions or help any of his customers may need assistance with. A little help can go a long way. Even a little something is better than nothing. @TheJackal84 please at least let us know you are still around and are supporting your products. Thank you sir.
  8. Does anyone know how this works? Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
  9. This is a much needed feature for the forum.
  10. Incredible plugin, really helps a lot. Is there some custom css to change the background color of the rows that are pinned, not the topic titles? Thank you.
  11. Can someone please explain how does this work? Is this referring to the IPS Referrals system?
  12. The way the Referral Banners is set up now, it is meant for people with websites, ones that can take the banner image code and embed it on their own site. Is it possible to be able to add banner images so the average member of our forum can save an image of their choice, copy their unique referral link, then share that on social media? This would be much more helpful for the average member, since they may not have their own website. I used custom css to hide the Banner Image Code section under each image. .cReferrals_grid .cReferrals_grid_item__body { display: none; } But when you right click an image, it is set as a background image. You would then have to select 'view background image' and then you have the option to 'view image' or 'save image as'. This is too much work. Is there anyway possible to set the banner images on this page as thumbnails, so when someone clicks on them, they open full size, and also ,when you right click on them. You have the option to save the image. Even better, would be to have the option to just share each image from right there. A workaround I thought of. Enable Referrals, but do not ad any referral banners. Then go to the Referrals page, (and if you have Pages) add a 'Page Builder: Upload Images' block to the page. Then you can add all your custom banner images here. This way their unique referral link and the banner images are all on the same page. Plus, now when you right click on a image, you have the 'View Image' and 'Save Images As' options.
  13. I know the Guest Signup Widget only is shown to guests, is it possible to add this option in the 'Visibility' section of all widgets/blocks, to show to only logged in users, only to guests, or show to both? Thank you.
  14. This would be incredible to see implemented as a built in feature of IPS.
  15. So this plugin is longer getting updated and it's no longer available for purchase: Automation Rules ( 3rd Party App By @Kevin Carwile ) Is there anything that replaces this? This was very powerful. I would like to give points if someone adds a avatar to their profile, completes the profile setup process, adds social medial info, adds a cover photo, stuff like that. Is there anyway to do this?
  16. I appreciate all your hard work with this. Looking forward to the update. Thank you sir.
  17. I've visited your site a few times, and I've never seen an ad before, then I realize that they were probably being blocked by my ad blocker (uBlock Origin), so I turned it off to check..... There are quite a bit of ads. By the way, your site loaded pretty fast for me, I didn't notice any major issue. I will message you back later when I have more time to write, with some ways you could possibly earn money without using any ads. Congrats on the ipsfocus purchase. I use Chameleon Pro myself. @Ehren is the best. You are definitely in good hands.
  18. It was updated for 4.5, that is correct. Are you getting any bugs other than the 2 I mentioned?
  19. I have yet to implement Members Shop on my forum. I've been waiting for the IPS 4.5 update, then update of my theme, and all other plugins/applications I use. All that is now updated and working fine. As soon as these 2 things get fixed, I will finally start using Members Shop, looking forward to it. I've created some unique items and will have fun with what members can spend their points on in the Members Shop. 👍
  20. I think the only known issues with Members Shop and the current IPS version, is the points a person has does not show on their profile page, and I believe the Donate option does not show. There could be other issues, not sure. Congrats on the update and fixing your temporary issue.
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